I posted on here Friday about my sickly little sebright bantam hen.
A few people recommended I start her on Corid for cocci.
The only symptoms she was exhibiting at the time was lethargy, sitting around with her eyes closed. Her poop still looked normal and she had/still has an appetite. So, I...
Looking for some advice on a poorly Bantam, she is coming up to 7 years old. First noticed at the weekend she was a little wobbly and unbalanced on her feet, with her body tipping backwards and forwards as she stood. I asked for some advice from another experienced chicken keeper who suggested...
Hi everyone, I am hoping for some
Advice. My 4 silkes are 15 weeks old and this is my first time raising chickens so there’s a lot of trial and error happening lol. So, we went out of town for Thanksgiving, and of course the night we left it rained for the first time since they’ve been outside...
Hello, this is my first post on Backyard chickens!! I have been an avid reader of the site since I started my flock 2 years ago. I love the site, the knowledge available from so many experienced chicken owners is incredible. God bless and thank you to all that help people like me (not a...
The little guy was given to me today. He is unsteady on his feet, has pale skin on his face and around his eyes is yellow. I researched and found a possible diagnosis of aegyptainellosis but can’t find info on treatment. Has anyone ever heard of this disease and/or treatment? I think he’s a...