Hey, we recently hatched out a batch of quails in two incubators. It was around 60 eggs and only 25 hatchings, we had a few casualties along the way. The chicks are about 3 days old and we have noticed one particularly wobbly, he has 0 coordination and doesn't walk. His legs seem perfectly fine...
Hello all! I have a little emergency and came here for advice. This morning I went out to check in some chicks who I had put outside about a week ago. They had been doing really, really well even as of last night, but this afternoon I went to check on them again and on of my Swedish Flower...
Good morning all, We purchased six Ameraucana chicks approximately two weeks ago. Unfortunately, two passed away Memorial Day. I assumed from heat stroke as I moved them outside to clean their brooder.
This morning I found a third chick very lethargic, feet cold, but still breathing. I got...
So, about a week ago, I noticed one of my show hens was acting kind of funny. She was limping a little and had a few of her feathers missing on her back. Well, today when I got home, she was tucked in the corner, head first. When I would walk away and come back, she’d be standing and look ok...
Hi everyone, I need advice, I'm worried about my girls. I have a small flock of seven hens, all of different varieties, Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, and Speckled Sussex they're coming up on a year old in April (we enjoy their eggs, and they’re our pets only) they are all...
Hey-- One of my oldest hens, (I think a cinnamon queen or red orpington, not really sure) about three years old, has been getting really lethargic and refuses to eat or drink water. Her normally bright red comb has turned almost completely black, and she can no longer walk or fly. When she tries...
I went out to the coop today and one of our Belgian Bearded D'anver hens was limping and barely moving. I brought her up to the house and gave her some water with apple cider vinegar in it. She drank what was in the small bowl in around 5 minutes.
Next thing is that she has been sitting around...
I have a 31/2 year old Australorp, Sophie, who does not seems to be doing well. We noticed yesterday afternoon. Her crop is empty so I don’t think she’s eating. She doesn’t seem to want water either. She sounds like she’s wheezing/snoring when she breathes. It gets progressively worse...
For a little over 2 weeks now Jasper, one of my rhode island reds, has had symptoms of a digestive problem, so we took her to the vet about a week ago. I was given a general worming agent to treat an unknown type of parasitic worm. It called for a 3 day course, which is now complete. But she...
Hi. Its sad that this is my Second post here and my Young chick seems sick.
I dont have any Idea what is happening to him. Yesterday was a specially hot night and he was mouth breathing in his Room and drinking a lot of water so I opened his Windows a litlle bit to cool the Room down and he...
So yesterday our newly adopted rooster started acting really sick and didn't honestly look like he was going to make it.
Upon further investigation from advice given on here we found that he was covered in Lice and or Mites. Put him in Quarantine and treated him with Poultry Dust and made...
Hello, Yesterday I noticed that one of my hens couldn't move her legs properly. The weather has been very hot (around 100 Degrees) , so I assumed that she was just dehydrated. Today I walked in the coop and found another chicken with very slight issues with standing normal. I did some research...
About 6 weeks ago, one of our Rhode Island Reds went missing for 4 days and miraculously showed up on our porch wounded. She had open wounds near and around her tail, which we nursed and gave her antibiotic injections. Her exterior wounds healed nicely. She now has new feathers coming in. She...
I just recently rescued an abandoned duckling and I’ve had him for a little over a week now. Things were going great until today. He seems completely healthy and the only behavioral change I’ve noticed is he’s stopped pecking as much (normally he would would peck me constantly). He keeps having...
So, I just got three new chicks and they all seemed fine for the first week. They are currently about 3-4 weeks old with the oldest probably being closer to 5 weeks old and youngest near three and a half. Just yesterday, I took them out of their outside play pin, which is mainly a big cage with...
hey there!!! Life has been very busy recently and I haven’t been able to see the flock as much so today I got home and got to see everyone and noticed one of my blue laced W’s was standing sorta narrow stanced with her eyes closed and sleepy, sorta wobbly. She isn’t warmed up to people yet, but...
Hey! Im new, thanks for having me below is the newbie meet and greet; but i have a sick bird, so ill start there.
One of my bantem chicks (hatched 6-1) started having tremors, then wouldn't hold her wings up, yellow stool, and she was lethargic. She wasnt an affectionate bird but with the...
my poor lil 8 month old Sultan hen is suffering! Last week she laid 2 broken soft shelled eggs and today she sounds like she’s drowning when she breaths.she has not laid an egg in 5 days! She is very loved and I just don’t know what to do. We don’t have any vets near by and cannot find anyone to...
Hi all,
My hen is about 15 weeks old. When I went in to their run today she looked fine but when I went out this afternoon she was missing. I found her in a nesting box in the dark with her eyes closed and she didn't get up and make a fuss so when I reached out and touched her and she STILL...