
  1. L

    Gender reveaal?!!🐥🐔

    Hi everyone🤍 I'm new mama for 3 silky chickens that are 3 months old. I want to know what gender they are,so please help me. I hope I have at least one hen.
  2. N

    Common Diseases in NC - What medications should be kept on hand?

    Hello.... I am new to the chicken thing. Only had some for a little while before my coop was broken into by a neighborhood stray who slaughtered all of them. I was wondering what are common ailments to chickens in the Piedmont Area of NC and what medications/food additives should be kept...
  3. Dedetiger

    Eye Infection in Silkie Rooster

    This has been going on for a little under a week - I noticed his eye was irritated about 6 days ago but it’s progressively (and rather rapidly) gotten worse. Tonight it was swollen shut and I could barely get anything in. I have been trying to routinely flush it out with saline and putting...
  4. K

    Help my chickens poop is bright yellow

    my chickens free range and one day I saw that my rooster was acting weird and next thing you know he is going lame and his poop is bright yellow and it’s runny and he’s not eating just drinking. What is harkening and what should I do?! Picture below
  5. K

    Silkie questions/ sex?

    Hello. I have 2 silkies that are 4 weeks today. I have a couple questions about each. Chick 1: the little white one has a brown spot on her head. Does this indicate gender? Is it normal? Are they looking male or female? Chick 2: the partridge doesn’t seem to have silkie feathers. Is this...
  6. N

    Is it possible for a non silkie to have a vaulted skull??

    Just the other day my chick that have been incubating under a mother chicken hatched but I’m a little concerned for one of the chicks I think it might have a vaulted skull but I’m almost 100% sure it’s not full silkie. I know it’s not bc most of our chickens are mixed breed but we did have a...
  7. K

    Need help sexing this silkie frizzle!!

    Hi guys, here are some pictures of the chick. It's around 2-3 weeks old. Please leave opinions thanks! :)
  8. S

    Polish/Silkie/Frizzle Mix, will it have a poof??

    So in my flock, I bred my former silkie rooster with my polish, I got a Polish Silkie mix, Oreo. I now have a Cochin bantam frizzle, Frizzle Rizzle, I bred the two and hatched a beautiful chick out, I can now see it definitely has the frizzle genetics, but I really want it to have a poof like...
  9. G

    New Hatchling! Barred Hen x Silkie Mix Roo

    Hi all! My favorite hen passed away three weeks ago so I decided to incubate her eggs left behind. Only one baby made it but to my surprise, instead of being black, white, or blue, the baby is brown? I’m curious to see if anyone else has had a brown chick after crossing a barred hen with a...
  10. A

    Silkie Mom- Seabright OR Barbu d'Uccle dad

    I am wondering— are these chicks just considered a barnyard mix being a free range (free breeding) chicken? They wouldn’t be considered a satin Silkie? Any info or thoughts appreciated. First time hatching something other than Silkies
  11. O

    White silkie rooster (4 months old) in need of new home - San Diego/Escondido/Vista, CA

    Healthy, white silkie rooster in need of re-home in Escondido, CA. Was originally purchased from Hawthorne Feed. Thanks for looking, please reach out if you have questions!
  12. Climax

    Baby peachicks with silkie mom?

    So my Silkies peafowl eggs are hatching, this is her first time hatching eggs. I was wondering if being different species makes so the silkie can't understand the peachicks needs, if that makes sense. Only asking because she doesn't seem at all interested in the baby that has hatched so far...
  13. K

    Orange feathers?

    Hello, I have a three month old gray silky hen. And she recently started growing orange feathers, so I’m a little confused, does that usually happen?? Please let me know!!! Pics below!
  14. H

    What gender are my silkies?

    Hello, I have 2 silkies around 8 weeks old and wondering what everyone thinks their genders are.
  15. D

    Hi looking for silkies

    Hi my name is Dana Rasmussen and I am looking for a few silkies to add to my group of babies. Thanks in advance
  16. V

    Pullet or Roo?

    I just got this 7 wk old Frizzle Paint Silkie. Can anyone tell if it’s a Pullet or Roo? Or is it still too young to tell?? Thank you, Vicki
  17. Lumpybeansss

    Silkie with mites

    I have a lovely silkie cockerel and he has got red mite, i noticed them in the coop last summer we have diatomaceous earth and mite powder in the coop, we took apart the coop and torched it, after that we decided to put him and the others in a mainly metal shed, but we haven’t been able to get...
  18. LadyCogburn

    Pecking at feet?

    Hi all. We moved our chicks (6 weeks) into their coop yesterday. We have 5 Bantam Silkies and 10 Rhode Island Reds. We woke up to 3 of the Silkies having broken, bleeding feathers on their feet and the RIRs wouldn't stop pecking at them. We took care of the broken feathers, sprayed them with...
  19. Nero70002

    New Chicks!

    We just got 10 new baby chicks this Friday. Sadly three have died, but I took pictures of the rest. We have 3 Buff Orpingtons, 1 “Americana”, and 3 Silkies. I just wanted to show you guys and ask about possible colors for the last 4. Also probably getting 3 Welsh Harlequin ducklings around March 20.
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