silkie 2month gender

  1. M

    I know…another silkie sexing post!

    Hi everyone! I hatched out 10 silkie chicks on 5/15 (give or take a day). I spend a fair amount of time with them all every day and have been able to guess at who’s a pullet and who’s a cockerel based off of mannerisms, feather streamers, and combs. In the last couple weeks, I have had several...
  2. M

    8 week silkie sexing

    I’m looking to get a silkie hen for my male because im worried he’s going to hurt my Mille fleurs. Can you help me with sexing? Breeder says he’s pretty sure they’re pullets. (He’s a local guy not a hatchery) What are your tried and true methods of sexing silkies??
  3. R

    It’s that SEXY time again !!!!! 🩷🩵

    Who’s who in the zoo 2 pics of each own there are 5 total
  4. C

    Male or female?

    Hi guys, can you help to guess which gender my chicks are? They are both lavender araucana cross silkie, and are now 7 weeks old.
  5. 1Crzychknlady

    8 week old Silkie Hen or Roo

    Hi!! I’m a new silkie owner! A local breeder had some for sale and said this one could possibly be a pullet. And I know they’re hard to sex which is why we haven’t had this breed until now. Could anyone give me any educated guesses? They hatched 3/1 so he/she is 8 weeks.
  6. H

    Gender GUESSES for a Silkie!!

  7. emslickchicks

    Sexing Silkie Chicke

    Hey! I know it’s probably too early to tell, but I have a feeling this paint Silkie is a Boy. “Maggie” was hatched in 7/28. Thoughts!? Thanks!
  8. hannahsocal

    Help! Gender/Sex of 2 Silkies? 🙏🏼😄😭❤️🐣🤷🏼‍♀️

    Hi! I’ve heard that silkies are notoriously hard to judge the gender of until they’re older but I was wondering if anyone on here was a Silkie expert or had any ideas from experience on what gender my silkies might be! 😄😄🥰🥰❤️❤️🐣 Photos down below!! They are siblings and the white one is...
  9. K

    White Silkie Cockerel, pullets and chicks!

    We have white silkies of all ages near Greeley, KS. Roosters, hens, cockerel, pullets and baby chicks—all free range.
  10. Sammieturpin

    5….2 month old Silkies ->gender??

    I have 5 silkie chicks (4 are silkie x leghorn, 1 is pure silkie) I have them all named and identified on the pictures below, I have some from today (April 27) and from April 8. I’m only needing to keep the hens. Is there a way to help determine gender? I don’t know what I’m looking for in...
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