Hi everyone! I hatched out 10 silkie chicks on 5/15 (give or take a day). I spend a fair amount of time with them all every day and have been able to guess at who’s a pullet and who’s a cockerel based off of mannerisms, feather streamers, and combs. In the last couple weeks, I have had several...
I’m looking to get a silkie hen for my male because im worried he’s going to hurt my Mille fleurs.
Can you help me with sexing? Breeder says he’s pretty sure they’re pullets. (He’s a local guy not a hatchery)
What are your tried and true methods of sexing silkies??
Hi!! I’m a new silkie owner! A local breeder had some for sale and said this one could possibly be a pullet. And I know they’re hard to sex which is why we haven’t had this breed until now. Could anyone give me any educated guesses? They hatched 3/1 so he/she is 8 weeks.
Hi! I’ve heard that silkies are notoriously hard to judge the gender of until they’re older but I was wondering if anyone on here was a Silkie expert or had any ideas from experience on what gender my silkies might be! 😄😄🥰🥰❤️❤️🐣 Photos down below!!
They are siblings and the white one is...
I have 5 silkie chicks (4 are silkie x leghorn, 1 is pure silkie) I have them all named and identified on the pictures below, I have some from today (April 27) and from April 8. I’m only needing to keep the hens. Is there a way to help determine gender? I don’t know what I’m looking for in...