
  1. G

    What will my chicks look like?🐣

    Hi! I have two roosters: buff silkie, tolbunt polish. And my hens are: white crested black polish, gold laced polish, tolbunt polish, white silkie, black silkie, grey silkie. And I am wondering if anyone has any idea what kind of chicks I could hatch with them:) polishxsilkie chickens are so...
  2. H

    Gender help please!

    Was sold this as a day old chick, told it was a purebred silkie (obviously that is not the case) I have no experience at all with other breeds Looking for ideas on the gender Thanks so much for your help
  3. N

    What breed mix is she?

    Hi all, Wondering if anyone can offer any ideas on the breed mix of our girl Henny Penny. She is at least 2 years old since we have had her for almost that long and got her as a fully grown bird. I know she is part silkie (blue ears, 5 toes), but am super interested to know what other breed/s...
  4. SeaPolka

    Silkie Crosses!! Show yours off!

    I have a few Silkie cross breeds, they're friendly and some of the best broody hens I've had. I came to own a Bantam Silkie cockerel a month ago and he since managed to mate with my LF bluebell hen, I popped an egg in the bator imagining the chick would be a pale lavender colour. These are the...
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