I'm a looooong time reader, but a first time poster!
I absolutely love orpingtons. I have buff, blues, lavenders, and new Silver laced English! They are going on to 5 weeks old and my patience is falling behind my excitement. This brings me here where I'd LOVE to ask and read opinions...
so I'm getting a flock from someone local.
roosters: silver and wheaten
hens: silver, black, and blue wheaten
what colors could I possibly get if I put the silver roo in with the hens vs if I used the wheaten?
Hi all!
I have some roos that I got as part of an order from Greenfire that I need a new home for! They are rare breeds so I would rather rehome them than eat them!
I have 1 Gold Deathlayer male, 2 Silver Deathlayer males, and 1 Black Copper Maran male. All of them are in excellent health...
Babies are 7 days old/just starting to feather. Almost all of them have wild-type striping to some degree, though many have more silvery marks, and few have red/brown.
Possible parents are: Pearl Fee, Italian, Pansy, Pharaoh.
These babies have VERY similar patterning (very faint silvery...
My kid called this one Dal, here she is as a hatchling (she’s the loud mouth in the back)
When she started growing feathers:
3 weeks, next to an Egyptian and Tibetan (disregard their tomato!) a different breeder suggested she was a Pearl at this point.
And now at almost 6 weeks 🤯🤩 her...
Silver Sebright Bantam for sale.
The chicken is healthy, fed organic feed & is free range.
Age: Will be 1 year old on 12/30/21.
Location: 5 to 10 minutes near Chicago O'hare airport.
Send me your offers.
Hi! I got these 2 ladies a few days ago and were told they were a very light silver partridge. Could they possibly be Splash? They are quite unique and gorgeous whatever color they are!
This is my actual silver partridge. Sasha
Does anyone else's golden sebright chicks just seem exceptionally talkative? 😂 I've never owned sebrights before and I have 2 golden and 2 silver. It's only the golden ones that "like to talk" lol
Hello everyone! I live in Northern Maine (I see New Brunswick Canada on my way to work in the morning), and last fall I started raising chickens strictly for eggs. I bought 3 barred rocks and 3 silver lace chicks and they spent their winter in my enclosed coop using the deep litter method...
9 Silver Spitz for sale. 2 weeks old, spunky and feathering beautifully. Sold as straight run. $10 per chick. I’m located in Southwest Virginia and willing to meet buyer within reasonable driving distance.
Two hand raised and very sweet boys free if you can come collect them! We are located in Harlem New York. These cockerels are from eggs hatched from a certified NPIP farm. They have different coloring; one a warmer "milk choc" brown/silver birchen and the other being more of a "dark choc"...
Hi, this is my first year breeding and hatching oegb bantam chicks. This sweetie is 5 days old and I'm trying to decide if it's silver or golden duckwing. I bred a silver duckwing roo over a BBR hen. To my understanding all the silver duckwings from this cross would be pullets and the Golden's...
Before I start: This is all under the assumption that what I think I know is true, that silver is a dominant sex-linked trait, and turns gold/red color white. Hopefully that is true.
I have a 12 week old pullet that is bred from an EE hen and a Lakenvelder rooster. All of her feathers are white...
Hey everyone,
New here to backyard chickens but I had a question that I can’t seem to get answered anywhere else so I was hoping one of y’all could help.
I have been trying to find out how to breed silver partridge silkies, as in what two colors you need to breed together to create them and...
I have available for pick up or shipping:
Blue Silver Phoenix pullet paired with a silver cockerel. These will produce blues and silvers. 3 months old She is stunning! $95
Blue Silver Phoenix cockerel paired with a silver pullet, these produce blues and silvers, 5 months old $95
We have 6 plus silver phoenix longtail hatching eggs for sale. We will endeavor to send extras if available at the time of shipping. These are from the lines pictured. They will be of the highest feather quality and growth rate. They are very beautiful and make a great addition to any flock...
We have 6 plus bbred phoenix longtail hatching eggs for sale. We will endeavor to send extras if available at the time of shipping. These are from the lines pictured. They will be of the highest feather quality and growth rate. They are very beautiful and make a great addition to any flock...