Hi! I’m a newer chicken owner.
My Lavendar orpington was getting pecked by the other chicks and itching a lot so I isolated her. She’s not as feathered as the other chicks and is a little bit smaller. She is having tons of black specks fall off of her (attaching picture) but I’m not seeing any...
My rooster, Dinner, has had this spot for a few weeks now. 😕 I can't figure out how he got it & I can't get rid of it either!
I tried bag balm & a "poultry wound spray".. I also checked for mites that might be on him, but I didn't see anything. Does anyone have any idea about what this could...
So I found out that my rooster had lice so I've been treating him, the coop, and the rest of the flock just in case. I've been using manna pro poultry protector, a home made spray, and sprinkled some diatomaceous earth everywhere. I have only seen lice on him but I'm still treating everyone just...
I have a hen who is definitely getting up in years now. I've had her 6 years, she was full grown when I got her. Anyway, she still is very active and spunky normally. I recently dealt with 2 problems simultaneously with her. We had a Northern fowl mite infestation which I treated with warm baths...
Hi all....
I got a call to rescue 10 week old Pekin ducks (supposedly both males) a couple of weeks ago. My friend agreed to take them. This is very new to us and we are slowly figuring things out. I noticed one of them had a small red spot the day I rescued them. I saw them over the weekend...