I ordered 7 chicks from Mt. Healthy Hatchery, and they hatched either on 4/2/2022 or early 4/3/2022. They shipped on 4/3/2022, and I just received them today, 4/5/2022.
They all are happy and healthy, except the extra chick, that Mt. Heathy included as a 2% margin for any chicks that might...
baby chick help
chick health problems
chick help
chick with pasty butt
chicks 1 day
my chicks umbilical cord is still atached
pasty butt
sick chick
sleepychickenweakchickenweak chick
One of my little chickens is sick and has been for a few days now. I'm very worried for her because she seems so weak that she's unable to drink or eat. She doesn't move a lot either and usuly just stays under a Bush tail down and eyes closed. At first I thought she was egg bound so I gave her a...
Hello Friends,
I am new to this forum but I recently found a very sick wild rooster (I'm in Hawaii). He is lethargic an d wont eat or drink by himself. He just sits and rest but he is reactive to noise an me touching or picking him up. He has black spots on his crown and it looks like he...
Hello Everyone!
Yesterday my husband noticed one of my hen's standing in the middle of the run while everyone else moved anxiously. I went right out to check on her because this is very odd behavior from my ladies, She in fact was standing there sleeping. She wouldn't move unless someone ran...
My chicken is sleepy and unresponsive, since I have come home from work I have managed to get her to drink LOADS but she has had hardly any food compared to the other girls. I felt her crop and it feels full and squishy but I can't feel any food in there. What can I do? She has taken herself to...
hey there!!! Life has been very busy recently and I haven’t been able to see the flock as much so today I got home and got to see everyone and noticed one of my blue laced W’s was standing sorta narrow stanced with her eyes closed and sleepy, sorta wobbly. She isn’t warmed up to people yet, but...
I noticed immediately today my usual fiesty girl (who is the last one to be caught or picked up) was hunched under coop, standing but not moving. I went in and grabbed her and she was super docile (never before has she acted like this). Her crop wasn’t huge but hard and I started massaging and...