
  1. GordonSturrock

    damaged turkey snood

    Greetings! Great to bump into this group, looks very active. I care for and feed a handicapped wild turkey who has something wrong with his snood. Picture attached. Looks like some kind of bruise? It is darker colored than normal, looks a bit crusty or like a scab. Mostly on his snood, but also...
  2. MamaPoult

    Slightly dumb turkey questian.

    Hi guys! So super quick questian for you all. My turkey jake's snood appears to be getting a bit dry (it is super dry where I live). You know when your hands are just a tad bit dry and they look kinda course and white and flaky? That's about what he has. It probably wont even show up in a pic...
  3. S

    Infected turkey snood

    Hi all, Thanks in advance for the help! I have a 5 year old red bourbon Tom who recently has a pimple looking growth on his snood. He has gotten it once before but it went away on its own relatively quickly. This time it has not gone away. Anyone have any recommendations? It looks like an...
  4. fastingfan

    Snood problem - spreading brown patch

    Our tom turkey has developed two problems at the same time. We don't know if they are related. His feces became quite green and runny. thinking it could be parasites or bacteria we isolated him in case it was serious then added garlic to his water and sprayed his throat with colloidal silver...
  5. C

    Male Tom has an injury

    Hi all! I was out and about checking on the flock today and I noticed this on my tom's snood. What could it be? It is not bothering him at all and he lets me mess with it. It still retracts like normal.
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