
  1. T

    Guinea on back spasming

    hi all funny how you dont encounter and join a forum until you need help isnt it. thanks for accepting me. We have 5 guinea fowl about 9 months old. Yesterday we moved the guineas into a new bigger coop next to the chickens as they are mesmerized by the hens. A couple of hours a go I...
  2. WolfLady

    Wobbly hen and head jerking (seizure-like?)

    Hi! I'm trying to understand what's going on with one of my hen, I'll do summary over 5 days in case it can be helpful: Day 1: She was slightly weaker and wobbly, nothing concerning. Day 2: I decided to give her dewormer and deworm the whole flock, just in case. About 2 hours after deworming...
  3. J

    Newborn duckling weak and having spasms

    My duck just hatched a duckling a couple hours ago and she didn’t seem to care for it and the duckling was very weak and having a lot of spasms, I’m wondering what it is and what I can do for it?
  4. ducklady789

    HELP!!!! Week Old Toulouse Gosling Seizures/Spasms

    Hi friends. So I have a big problem. I have a buff Toulouse gosling who is about a week old. Earlier today he was just fine. He was with the other babies and they were all doing great. However, I went to check on them and I found him on its back. I picked him up and he flipped back onto his...
  5. RedDrgn

    Wry Neck/Stargazing or Seizures?

    Update #1, July 6, 2017: I contacted our State Veterinarian's office to report this issue and am expecting to hear back from our regional inspector some time today or tomorrow to further discuss and determine whether/when they will come out and assess and see what recommendations they may have...
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