splayed leg treatment

  1. LucidIsLost

    ~3 month old pullet with bad splayed leg. How do I fix it without putting her in major pain?

    Had her for about a month, Orpington pullet. I believe she is about 3 months old. Been walking oddly recently, went to check on her and found her limping badly and favoring her left leg. I first started noticing this 2 days ago, but from the bad look of it it’s been around for about a week. No...
  2. D

    Duckling - Is it splayed leg?

    Duckling splayed leg Hi guys, Ive always used this site as a guest but I need some specific information I know you guys are really clued up. We hatched 2 Indian runners, they are around 3 weeks now. We have fed chick crumb with a dusting of brewers yeast every feed and today we are slowly...
  3. pajuxi

    Is this chicks legs wide set or normal?

    Hello! I am a first time bird owner with chicks, and overall i am having a wonderful time and all my chicks seem healthy, happy and are growing like weeds! however, i am a little concerned about my white silkie. I feel compared to the other chicks her walk feels a little unusual but it's hard...
  4. Duckduckgoosie

    Splayed leg

    Hoping for feedback on this chick with splayed leg- https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/day-old-silkie-with-splayed-leg.1570631/ I know time is critical, thanks!
  5. C

    Emu Possible Splayed Advice

    Hey all, My emu is close to 1 week old. I noticed that she doesn’t do as great of a job as my other one at keeping her legs under her and straight. It’s not an obvious splayed leg, she walks and runs fine but I’m worried about long term. I’ve splinted her legs together and they both have...
  6. Cloverr39

    Chick with splayed leg??

    Little chick had trouble hatching. He was stuck with the same little pip for over 24h and I had to help him hatch. Well he hatched but can't stand. His legs sort of sway to one side. Is it from being stuck in one position in the egg or the incubator floor? I'm noticing 2/3 times I've used this...
  7. EmmaGRS

    Splayed Legs??

    Hello, I have my first turkey that just hatched last night. I just took it out of the incubator and it’s legs seemed slightly splayed. I’ve never dealt with splayed leg, though after some research I built a “splint” to perhaps fix it, though I’m unsure if it’s even splayed leg. Haven’t seen it...
  8. B

    Leg issues on newborn chick

    This is a 12 day old chick. She is able to hop around and doesn’t seem to be in pain but I’m wondering if this might get worse?
  9. T

    Sling for turkey with splayed leg

    Hello I have about an 8-9wk old turkey poult with splayed leg. We've tried a hobble to keep her leg underneath her, but while it seemed to be working it didn't. Vet said to keep her hanging off the ground and see if gravity can help fix the issue (as well as some vitamins) and while I was able...
  10. J

    Help! Leg malformation on newly hatched chick 🐣

    Does anyone know what’s the matter with this sweet little one? 😢 He is a fighter with so much strength but he cannot use his legs properly and flails them around unable to walk. Initially I thought it was spraddle leg but now I’m thinking it could be something else. Any tips/suggestions please...
  11. NubbyRyuu

    I Need Answers ASAP

    I need answers for this, and I needed them 3 days ago. I've contacted a few chicken people, Facebook (with a group that probably won't accept my join request, leaving me only to rely on a Silkie Group), Reddit, and called NUMEROUS vets today, with only ONE that sees chickens but is expensive...
  12. Spellbound4u

    Chick with dislocated knee or 1 splayed leg??

    I got a chick from a friend at 4 days old. She seemed to think the knee was dislocated so she put the leg in a splint. We kept it on for a week and the chick didn't use the leg much but still got around. When we took it off the chick had a cast sore but not unmanageable. Now the leg is kinda...
  13. RoseMcAfre

    Mild Spraddle/Splayed Leg Help Please

    Hello all, I’m a first time chick keeper here and had my first two eggs hatch out on Friday 5th. A Lavender Pekin and a Lavender Araucana. They seem to be eating and drinking ok, but the Araucana (15hrs younger still seems a bit wobblier and has a wider stance than its Pekin sister. I’m...
  14. Sacri

    Splayed leg or something worse?

    I just rescued a 5 week old chicken. They said he had untreated splayed leg however if it is, it is the worse splayed leg I’ve seen. Can you confirm diagnosis and is it too late for treatment?
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