Is anyone else super excited for chick season? Any particular breeds you're hoping to purchase or hatch?
I have never been so excited for spring and summer in my life (I'm an autumn-loving kind of gal) PURELY because CHICKS!
We're first-time chicken owners (we have eight 7-month-olf Black...
I just put 6 of my Coturnix quail's eggs into the bator today. Last year I tried with 24 shipped eggs and only got 1 hatch. But this year I am pretty excited to have my own quails laying fertile eggs!!! Not sure how high the fertility rates are but we shall find out! I also have a friend who...
Anyone getting spring chicks this year!? I placed my order about a week and a half ago and I am impatiently waiting! Lol I am getting 5 chicks from Meyer Hatchery with a hatch date of April 29th and I am so excited!!! We already have 7 chickens from Meyer Hatchery and I love them. They just...