
  1. Turkey Girl

    Strange White Feathers in Mediterranean and Continental Breeds

    Hello, I have been breeding poultry for the past decade, and I have never seen anything like this. I acquired my lines of White Faced Black Spanish, La Fleche, and Crevecour from credible breeders who have been doing this for far longer than I have been. Throughout numerous generations, I have...
  2. T

    Backing up, Walking Backward 11mos old

    My hen is acting strangely and this is a new behavior. She will back up out of nowhere or start backing up even more than the video shows, walking backward. She does it when no other chickens are around her. It’s new as of this past week. Any ideas? (For some reason the video won’t show up here)...
  3. m1chelle1

    Interesting crooked beak (not cross-beak)

    Hey BYC fam! :wee So I’ve got an interesting girl (pictured) who has a fully crooked beak. It’s not a cross beak, it’s just all slanted to one side. It’s pretty dramatic, I’ve never seen anything like this before that wasn’t actual cross beak, wonder if anyone else has? She’s a red sex link...
  4. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Eggs with holes

    Hi everyone. One of my Golden Comets has been laying some strange eggs lately. She often lays ones with bumps (calcium deposits) and I don't really mind. I still eat them. But lately, she has laid a few with these strange holes/divets in them, and I don't know what this is. I tried searching...
  5. G

    Wild Chickens

    I live in the city and we are becoming overtaken by hens and roosters in our neighborhood. I was finally able to find someone that was willing to trap & release on a farm. We made a very unusual discovery at roosting time last night. I grew up on a farm with free-range chickens and what we saw...
  6. M

    These eggs taste strange

    We have had our own chicken eggs for years, all different breeds and had no problem with an 'extra strong egg' taste. I have tons of eggs I'm trying to use up, making angel food cakes, french toast, and noodles, etc. We bought 'Sapphire Gems' late last summer and they started laying in...
  7. DuckDuckPromise

    Strange Egg...

    Hi there friends! Today I was in the ducky pen... I gathered all of their eggs, went about some other daily chores, the usual. I had only gathered one egg from a group of 3 girls. Usually if one doesn’t lay, it’s just that. One. But today two eggs were missing.. I didn’t really think too much...
  8. S

    Chicken with Strange Toes?

    So, I have a chicken named Greensleeves - she's named after a variety of rose that's naturally greenish. We also call her Rosie. I never noticed this previously when she was a chick, but now that they're all grown up (and I'm not sure of where to put this thread!) I noticed something strange...
  9. Cassandra Lana

    Top of Ducks bills is flakey dry/wrinkles

    Hi pls help if possible,(not a emergency) the top of my ducks bills are look flakey dry and wrinkled. Their feet are similarly dry. It doesn’t seem to bother them but it confuses me . They constantly have deep water and eat organic layer feed with separate baked egg shell crumbles for a optional...
  10. RaisingDucks2020

    2 ducks dead

    I have 2 duck coops, they are both pretty big, my one coop had 2 Indian runners and 2 chickens and the other one had 2 mallards and 2 pekins.. recently my 1 runner died and my 1 mallard died. No missing feathers no blood etc! Separate cages! What do you think caused their death? They are eating...
  11. Sheriloo3

    Rats RETURNING stolen eggs???

    I have recently discovered a bit of a rat problem in my coop/run and am working on getting it taken care of. I have a few things in the works, but if I have more issues, I'll be back for suggestions. What I'm here for is to inquire about a real head-scratcher that happened today. I have a...
  12. Freaky Farm

    The oddest thing I've seen so far... any ideas?

    Hi all! I've seen my fair share of weird and freaky hatches and those that didn't make it to hatch, but I can only think of one explanation for this one... The chick puts it's foot through the yolk which then healed around the foot. It was not intestines as the yolk/internal organ (what ever)...
  13. Xashi

    bantam chicks Hatched to early!!

    One of my chicks Hatched afew days early. She has this red sack attached to her bottom. She is moving, eating and drinking with no problems. I have her separated in an incubator cause the other chicks were pecking at the red bulge. she is now 2days old. What is it and what can I do to help the...
  14. nikadoodle

    Chicken Ate Bee?

    Our easter egger isnt sounding too good, I will break it all down here. We have bees about 50 feet from our chickens. Its been this way for months now and weve had no problems. Today our easter egger is making a strange noice when she talks. Her breathing is labored, she sounds like she is...
  15. SniperGoose

    Strange goose poo [pics]

    My female Toulouse goose, Sniper, somehow managed to hurt herself a few days ago. She was fine earlier in the day when I let them into their enclosure, but later on towards the end of the day, she was laying on the ground unable to walk. She has no visible injuries. I've been giving her some...
  16. Skywarita

    My chicken has never layed an egg!

    Hello BYC members! So, my chicken is around 7/8 months old and she has never layed an egg! She has coriza (which doesnt show symptoms no more) but i dont think that afects anything... anyways Im really worried she will never lay one! What could this be? Thanks in advance.
  17. FeatheredFriends&Horses2

    Chickens sick, very strange symptoms

    Okay, this is probably going to be the longest post ever, but here we go. This past summer we had to put down a chicken named Goldie. Her symptoms could basically fit nearly every common chicken disease. We had baby chicks, but not in the coop. Goldie (roughly 5yr. old hen): -lethargy -severe...
  18. TwitchysChicks

    Hen acting weird

    My friend's hen just started acting weird. Sitting and falling asleep almost like narcolepsy, but waking up to eat and drink again. It's like she's looking around with her eyes closed. 1. No respiratory problems 2. No sneezing 3. Green poop 4. Doesnt respond when talked to 5. Only opens eyes...
  19. Little Jerry Seinfeld

    Pics of butchered corn x with very weird skin! Safe to eat?

    Butchered this corn x yesterday, as I was plucking I noticed its very strange skin! It looks like different colored patches but it was actually more like it was patches of super thin skin that I could see through. And visible thin veins. I skinned it and the meat seems fine but I'd like to know...
  20. orangesplash

    Golden Buff is making strange sounds

    i have attached the video of my adult golden buff thats making these strange sounds.
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