sudden lameness

  1. W

    Limping/lame chicken

    Hello all, My barred rock started not wanting to use her right leg/limping yesterday. I came home to her hopping around on it. She holds it out front of her while moving, and she lays with it kinda out to the side. She's still eating/drinking and going outside into the run etc, just isn't quite...
  2. danceonweeds

    Duck with both leg lameness, Almost like Superman/Flying pose

    I have a 10 month old female duck who suddenly went lame on both legs. We found her a few days ago when she didnt get into the coop at night. She had both legs straight behind her. When I picked her up, she was able to stand for a moment, then when she tried to move both legs went behind her...
  3. WannaBeHillBilly

    Young Duck went suddenly lame

    Hi from West Virginia to all Duck lovers! We have a situation with one of our Indian-Runner Ducks here since Friday late afternoon: End of June we bought six larger ducklings at the local Farmers-Store here in Charleston - i don't know if Store-Names are permitted? - anyway we were told that...
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