I recently fell into the poultry hobby because I decided to incubate supermarket quail eggs. It was interesting. Of 15 eggs, 4 hatched. Two of the hatchlings died in sad circumstances, but I have two beauties that are growing nicely in the brooder. One was splay-legged and curl toed, and I was...
So i bought 40 quail eggs from the supermarket and put them all in the incubator at a steady 37.6 c and 50% humidity and then went and searched if quail eggs from the supermarket are fertilized and google said no...
I dont want to waste the incubator's time incubating unfertile eggs should i...
Hi all, new here :)
I've been incubating some quail eggs I bought from the shops (Saw a few of the Youtube videos saying this was possible!) Thought it would be a good experiment. This is my first time incubating quail eggs.
I started out with 33 eggs, was candling a quite a few and couldn't...
Hello! I am planning to hatch some quails. I live in Singapore, so fertile quail eggs are hard to come by. Does anyone know where I can get some?
On the same topic, is it really possible to hatch quail eggs from the supermarket? I have seen quite a few success stories, mainly A Chick Called...
I am incubating 4 supermarket eggs from Whole Foods. I will be updating and updating a lot! Since I posted this late, it is day 3 and the eggs yolk are a bit dark. I have brown and white eggs, the brown eggs are very hard to see through while the white eggs are easy to see through. I will be...