swollen eyelid

  1. T

    Bantam hen eye infection

    Hey, my sweet little old English game bantam hen seems to have an eye infection. It originally started in late November. I brought her in bc her eye was crusted over and she had a cold. I think it was crusted over with mucus. Anyway, she got over her cold shortly after Christmas, but her eye...
  2. B

    Please Help! Poked in eye? Infection? What do I do?!?

    Hi everyone My name is Becca, one of my Bluebell chickens (she’s about a year and a half old) has something very wrong with her eye. It was not like this when she went to bed last night. When I let all the chickens out this morning from their 45’ x 16’ 12’ run to free range, I saw this. She has...
  3. LyddieB

    Rooster with bump/lump on upper eyelid

    Hello, first time posting on this forum. I noticed yesterday that my 1yr old Black Ameracauna Rooster has a bump on his right upper eye lid. Left eye looks fine. No discharge…yet. I’ve had chickens for 5 years now and have never seen this before. Is anyone familiar with what this could be? We...
  4. Rusty Shackleford

    Is there a feather growing under my hens eyelid?? (Pictures Included)

    Yesterday I noticed something wrong with one of my hens eyes. I thought she got poked or pecked but after looking further I noticed something in the corner of her eye and then tried to pull it out but it seems like there are feathers under her eyelid. I tried to remove it but it definitely seems...
  5. haileyeverhart

    Hen with itchy swollen eyelid

    Hello! My 5 yr old EE hen has a swollen itchy eyelid. Any ideas on how to treat it? The other eye is normal. She itches it often. Thanks!
  6. agold23

    Possible URI? First time chicken owner

    I have 20/21 week old easter egger hen who recently developed a swollen eye. I texted the woman I got them from and she said to isolate her (she’s in the 10x10 outdoor cat pen with a wooden crate to sleep in) give her antibiotic eye drops (we will shortly be picking up Visine eye drops) applying...
  7. 2

    I can’t win!!! Swollen eye

    So today I noticed 2 of my chickens with one swollen eye. And my Cochin eye is swollen and her waddle started turning black. Help!! Please tell me it’s just pink eye and not Coryza. No symptoms like sneezing, breathing funny, runny nose, my RIR did have a little bubble in the corner of her eye...
  8. Canidae

    Minor eyelid swelling

    Hi everyone, inexperienced keeper here in need of a little advice. My pullet Catnip seems to have developed a swollen eyelid, which I noticed yesterday. I have not noticed other symptoms in her yet (I saw her sneeze once yesterday?), she is eating, drinking, and seems herself. The first 3 images...
  9. Ojai-anna

    Swollen Eyelid Condition & Treatment?

    Our 18 week old Buff Cochin developed a swollen eyelid about 10 days ago. A few days later pox showed up on her wattles. Fortunately there are no pox in her mouth, nor does she have any nasal or eye discharge. There are no signs of respiratory issues. I got some teramycin antibiotics ointment to...
  10. janaedwards

    Swollen eye

    Good morning y'all! I have a hen who is one year old. She has a swollen gland under her right eye that comes and goes. It is always, even when not swollen, more white than her other eye. She is a bit thinner than the other chickens, but other than itching, she acts just like everyone else. She...
  11. P

    Hawk attack - swollen eye - help!

    Hi everyone, We had our first (!) hawk attack yesterday. I usually let the chickens free range in my backyard, which is in a suburban area. At about 2:30, I heard some loud clucking noises and turned around, and saw a hawk clutching one of my 4-month old pullets (she was lying completely...
  12. alexisrambles

    An Accident has Occurred

    I lost three chickens yesterday. I'm managing better now, but of course two of my favorites were in there. I'm gonna have to write an article about it. Crushing accident with moving the chicken tractor... Two were injured though. One was limping and one has a swollen shut eye and was gasping a...
  13. Chickenunsernam

    Eye injury-- NEED SOME HELP!

    Hello everyone! So my rooster Francis (the rooster on my profile except he's all grown up and fabulous now) got attacked by two puppies we had (I gave them away) and he got some neck injuries. Now he was recovering from that and he started eating and drinking on his own again until one of my...
  14. nminusyplusm

    Hen with swollen eyes decides to go broody while sick and the bullying restarts. Ugh.

    I have a multifaceted problem and am wondering what else I should do. My flock of 3 EEs, a Faverolle x Ameruacana and a Welsummer x Cream Legbar olive egger is closed due to CRD, most likely MG as 2 of my 5 have presented with unusual breathing sounds at different times although everyone has...
  15. Roxannmi

    Something is wrong but what?!

    I have 3 hens all just under a year old. Cochin, RI red and a light brahma that all have a strange eye issue that I can't seem to figure out what it is! So I will post a picture of all 3 girls in hopes that someone can help me. Cochin ^ She was the first to have the eye issue. It went from...
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