I’m pretty sure this 6 week old chick is a roo. I’ve noticed this little puff of feathers at the end of their tail that the other chicks don’t have. Does this have a name? Or a way to describe it?
I have a 5 month old Barred Rock Roo, which I bought from TSC.
He has developed well…Just no impressive tail feathers yet!
Will he ever grow a typical roo tail?
feathers aren't growing
genetic help
rooster tailtailfeathertailfeatherdevelopment
What do you reckon about my theory? Time is the real test, cause I'm not sure what these chicks actually are! Anyway just a bit of fun, I know wyandottes are notoriously difficult to sex and I won't know for sure until the combs develop further (currently 6 weeks).
The gold laced has tight...
I've had several batches of baby chicks purchased from hatcheries and breeders, as well as hatched a couple batches here at home. In all the baby chicks I've observed, they usually have tail feathers at least starting to come in by 2 weeks. I currently have a batch of chicks that are almost 3...