Hi there,
I have a one year old buff Orpington hen who seems to be feeling unwell. I noticed a couple days ago she started looking sick. Her tail down, pale face and generally not as happy to see me as she normally is. I firstly suspected that she was just going through a rough moult but im not...
I had a hen die last week, and the necropsy results revealed she had an abundant tapeworm infestation. No worms or eggs were noted in the gross pathology, but there were 50+ eggs reported in the fecal float. I have never seen any worm segments or eggs in their poop (I have been checking every...
Hi everyone, I recently did a post asking what kind of worm my chicken had and someone said tapeworm and then suggested Equimax.
I know it’s not poultry approved, so is it safe? I’ve tried the natural treatments haven’t seen much improvement in the worms in her poop, so I think a dewormer...
I noticed small yellow worm-like things in my chicken’s poop probably around a month ago now, only found out it was tapeworm about two weeks ago. When I first noticed these I had already wormed her recently with Aviverm and I tried Aviverm again and it didn’t work. I then got Flubenol 5% and...
I have had 5 chickens for about 3 years with no problems. This spring one of them became broody, so I got 7 chicks for her from IFA. One failed to thrive and died after about 4 days. The rest seemed healthy. They grew into pullets and I was going to give my mom 4 of them, but suddenly one of the...
The poop below is from my 2 year old red sex link hen. More often than not her stool isn’t the normal solid pieces, but softer (see pic below). She is super active and eats well. This is typical for her but not sure if I should be concerned.
Closer view:
I’ve been dealing with tapeworm since Between August and October last year.
I treated with Avitrol plus and Equimax however the tape segments keep coming back in my chooks poo about a week after I wo them. Each freaking time !
Any advice on how to get rid of them forever and not just a...
Hello. We found live tapeworms in the poop of at least one of our 8 hens. We treated all 8 with Zimectrin Gold (pea-sized), then waited 10 days and treated a second time. It has been two weeks since the second treatment. I am wondering when it is safe to eat the eggs. I am concerned about my...
Hi! One or more of our eight hens have worms as we found the little white (tapeworms, I believe) in some poo. We treated them today, but have a couple dozen eggs we have collected over the last week or so that they laid before we knew of the worms. We are not going to eat the eggs for several...
Hello. Our hens' fecal float came back positive for cestode protozoa. Our vet prescribed Corid (3ml/gal) for 5 days. I assume that's for the protozoa, and FWIW our hens don't show any signs of bloody stools (cocci). Just some slightly runny poo.
I had to look up cestode to figure out that it's...
I have 22 chickens who have round and tape worms. Ive never had thise problem before, so im new to deworming chickens.
Yesterday i used wazine in a gallon of water.
Can i use Zimecterin gold horse dewormer for the tapes worms? Also can i just put a certain amount it in the water rather then try...
We have a small flock of 9 chickens and after seeing tapeworms on some of the eggs we collected this week we have ordered Valbazen to treat them. It will be a couple of days before we receive the deworm solution and start the treatment process.
My questions are:
1) are the eggs safe for human...
About a month ago I posted some pictures of possible tapeworms. My hens did have tapeworms. I treated them for 3 days of 1/4cc of Valbazen. Waited 10 days and treated again for 3 more days with 1/4cc of Valbazen. They are currently 8 days from the last treatment, and I noticed more alive...
I was just out with my girls and I saw this poop - I'm not sure how fresh it is. But those small yellow things are either worms or some type of maggot?? :( They were wiggling around throughout. No bigger than a grain of rice.
They get Rooster Booster in their water daily. Dumor Poultry...