I wanted to post some information about getting your hands on Tylan, an important medication for Mycoplasma Gallisepticum. I'm sure someone else has made a thread about this somewhere, and I know a lot of information about this is widely known, but I recently had a lot of trouble getting my...
i feel stupid asking this. but is there any way to check tractor supply’s website on what breeds of live chicks they will have at my location? i feel like i am running in circles on their website. i found chickens in bulk but i wanna know what breeds they will have that i can go there and get...
hello i recently found duck eggs in my yard theres 7 eggs all are moving but im not sure how old they are if you hsve any tips about hatching ducklings and taking care of them please lmk and
if u know how old they are i would appreciate it thank u!
Can anyone confirm what breeds these chicks are? I know the 2 are light brahmas. One is a golden sebright? And the other 3 I'm not sure. One was supposed to be a bantam but it's not. And 2 were supposed to be americuanas. Thanks!
I fell prey to the cute little buggers at tractor supply again while waiting for my hatchery order to come in. I got 4 bantams that all appear to be the same breed. Of course there was no specific breed listed. Ill post more pictures soon.
I bought 7 Easter egger chicks from TS and they were advertised as females im wondering how many of you have gotten chicks from TS and ended up with chicks that were mis-sexed? Or even mis breaded? I have 2 that got there combs coming in at the end of week 1 which seems freakishly early lol and...
I have been raising chicks for over 13 years.
For the 1st time this year I purchased some chicks from tractor supply online which goes through Hoover's Hatchery. I have never used them before but they seem to have decent prices and thought I would give it a go.
Received the birds within 48...
I had to go to town today so I stopped at Tractor Supply just to see what chicks they had. Only 1 tank: Cinnamon Queen pullets and straight run Black Sex Links. Wait, what? The CQ indeed looked correct but every single one of the BSL had a white dot on their head. All cockerels! I thought maybe...
I went to tractor supply and picked up what I thought were black copper marans but obviously they are not. Do you think they are cuckoo marans? I also got some bonus bantam chicks they offered me and I have no idea what they are. I was hoping the gold one was a sebright since I already have some...
Hi Everyone. We previous searched for others experiences ordering Cornish Cross from Tractor Supply but there did not seem to be much. So we figured we will share our on going experience.
We ordered the chicks on Friday 10/8/21. Straight forward online order. Didn't get any updated til...
I wrote Hoover’s asking about the California Tans from TSC since there is such limited info about them! This was their response..... a cross between a White Leghorn and a Production Red.
Ok was wondering if anyone had good food suggestions that we can buy on Chewy, we currently use the dumor brand but we dont like supporting tractor supply and its a bit far from us since we are in a suburban area/the only one with any type of "farm" animal in atleast 10-20 miles. We are...
Hi everyone, I have a young Golden Sebright chick from Tractor Supply that has serious vent problems and I’m not sure what to do. This little guy has a swollen vent that seems to be almost sealed shut. He’s had pasty butt MANY times since poop just leaks out, rather than him taking normal poops...
So, at the beginning of this year, I finally got a new flock of hens after mourning the loss of my original flock of four black sex link hens. My current flock came in three separate sets of chicks from Ace Hardware and Tractor Supply, and the Tractor Supply in the town I was living in at the...
In April, my husband went to buy chicks in Tractor Supply. They had Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, CC Broilers, assorted Bantums, Bovan Browns, and assorted pullets. Hoover's Hatchery doesn't seem to sell Ameraucanas, so I assumed they were Americanas/Easter Eggers. He asked for 10 Ameraucanas...
I got my chicks from tractor supply the day they came in (I was calling everyday to see if they had a shipment). I know Barred Rocks grow more quickly, but I don’t want to put them outside full time and risk it being too soon. We have had weather outside in the 90’s in Arizona during the day and...