Hi all, I am a new chicken keeper and one of my silkie hens got sick. We had two from our original flock killed by hawks, and so we ended up getting better security and got 2 fully feathered young chickens to add to our 2 remaining silkies. About 2 weeks after adding them, I think the stress of...
I have a flock of 7 chickens right now, my youngest is 2 weeks old under the care of my 1 year old silkie hen. Yesterday I noticed definite URI symptoms in my silkie rooster. He has a foamy eye, swollen comb and sinuses, head shakes and his breathing is definitely different. He is in the outdoor...
I have 20/21 week old easter egger hen who recently developed a swollen eye. I texted the woman I got them from and she said to isolate her (she’s in the 10x10 outdoor cat pen with a wooden crate to sleep in) give her antibiotic eye drops (we will shortly be picking up Visine eye drops) applying...
I have a 3 week old chick that has been perfectly fine, until this evening when I found her puffy, eyes closed and frequently shaking her head. There is a slight crackle but sounds like it’s sinus rather than lungs. There doesnt appear to be a nasal
discharge but I think when she shakes her...
Hey folks, want some opinions here. On Monday I took my pullet to the vet for what appeared to be a URI (clear stringy nasal discharge, copious amounts of sneezing, symptoms for 3-4 weeks at this point). The doctor prescribed SMZs which I have been giving for almost 72 hours now, with pretty...