vent gleet advice

  1. McPickle88

    Possible Vent Gleet

    I have had chickens for 4 years and never experienced this. Her but is pasty but she is eating and drinking fine. How do I treat?
  2. L

    Is this vent gleet

    Hi, I am new member to backyard chickens. I have 9 chickens for past 4 years. They have been healthy until last 6 months noticed one chicken losing bottom feathers and has discharge stuck to vent. She is eating and drinking and free ranging fine. Seemed to come and go, but now it is worse and...
  3. T

    Possible vent gleet and vent prolapse

    Hello everyone! I am just starting to learn about chickens. My partner and I have a four-year-old hen. This hen has possible prolapsed vent and vent gleet. She is less active, her vent is red and enlarged. She has white discharge that smells. Please help us!
  4. K

    To quarantine or not to quarantine? Help!

    Y’all please don’t roast me. I have a 3.5 week old Wyandotte chick that I’ve been battling what I think is vent gleet. I noticed it 4-5 days ago and thought it was pasty butt, but after two days of that I realized all of what I’m seeing is white. Its vent was bulging and swollen so I thought...
  5. NinjaGamer2022

    Hen has had Vent Gleet or at least a month. Help needed and greatly appreciated.

    A month of two ago some of my hens got brutaly attacked by some mean hens (which I DO NOT have anymore). They got their vents attacks severely. I've been watching them and I thought they were recovering well. They had some weird discharge which I didn't take to concern because I thought it was...
  6. S

    Vent gleet

    I have a girl who has had vent gleet for some time. I’ve given copper sulfate, tried thrush cream in the vent for a whole week. I’ve been giving her chlorhexidine water (recommended by another page). It seemed to slow up. I was thinking it was getting better, then today she’s done a poo with...
  7. C

    Please help! Orange poop and possible vent gleet 6-week-old pullet

    Symptoms: My 7-week-old Salmon Faverolles pullet has has orange, runny poop for several weeks. I dismissed it as cecal poop but now see that it is always orange and runny, and sometimes foamy as well. Smells terrible, either same or worse than cecal poop. Possible vent gleet with dirty vent...
  8. T

    Chicken with vent gleet

    Afternoon guys, I have a chicken which I believe has vent gleet ? Just have a question What is the best way to treat this ? And then if people out there could give me some advice on what’s the best treatment to use ? I live in the uk 🇬🇧 . Thanks Tom P.S . Sorry the photos not very good as...
  9. NinjaGamer2022

    Chicken with injured vent, plucked tail, and vent gleet?

    It seems that my chickens got in a fight with one of my barred rocks (Dominique?) yesterday and they plucked it's tail and pecked at her vent. I washed it's tail and vent indirectly (I used warm water and soap and poured it one it's wounds). I brought it inside and today there is still some...
  10. J

    Having a Rooster Emergency with hard poop stuck to/crusted in his vent area need help! pasty butt?

    hello there guys, so the title says it all here in this case, last couple days now about four i noticed my rooster has had hard time pooping which he never does he was making straining sounds too while he does go and had runny diarrhea like poops but they looked normal other wise. I believe he...
  11. marissa98

    Possible Vent Gleet or Other Issue-Chicken Can't Walk!

    On Sunday evening, we found one of our hens under the nesting boxes. She was sitting with her legs out in front of her. We pulled her out and gave her water to drink and she gulped it down. We assumed she was just majorly dehydrated which was preventing her from being able to use her legs. After...
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