
  1. P

    -40 temps, keeping Chickens safe

    We live on the prairies in SK and the temperatures range from +30c in the summer to -40c/f in the winter. It is frequently VERY windy here, though our property has a good abundance of trees to help with breaking that wind. I've read quite a few articles and helpful posts etc. regarding keeping...
  2. Reiki Rooster

    Rain proof feeders

    Hello, I am try to figure out how to protect the chickens feed during rain storms. Currently I place their feed in their house during bad weather but I need a better way badly. Thank you for your time
  3. Paperairplanepilot

    Tropical Chickens, Cold Weather

    Hello again, I am trying to figure out the temperature range that is safe and healthy for my tropical chickens (Caribbean game chickens). I am now in Pennsylvania with my chickens (I was last in Wisconsin) and I will be moving one last time but not for several more weeks. (In the last location...
  4. ChickenTenderKesha

    Attaching Plastic/Tarps to a Run - Show me your methods!

    As some of us already know, the winter months are upon us. Nows the time the snow always flies before we have everything weatherproofed! I know some of us have been getting snow for a while (I understand your pain with what he had gotten before the warm front moved in) so you might already have...
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