weight loss unexplained

  1. J

    Mystery illness causing weight loss

    I've been concerned about my girl Ames since March. She's a Buff Orpington, just turned 2. I noticed her sitting down a lot more than the others a few months ago. I found a lash egg in the coop in April, then took her to the vet. After suspecting some kind of infection, she went on a course of...
  2. L

    Stopped Laying Lethargic Weight Loss but stable

    I’m writing today as we are slightly concerned about one of our 32 week old White Rocks, named Crystal. When we got her she was laying consistently every day, like the rest of the flock. She started to show slight broodiness after about a month, when we would find her just staying in the nesting...
  3. microchick

    What Killed My Hen..It Wasn't Marek's-WARNING graphic photo

    If anyone follows the Old Folks Home thread you'll know that I've been nursing a sick hen for the past three days. She had presented with extreme weight loss, lethargy, fluffed feathers but good appetite and was drinking. Stool was normal. Vent looked normal. Physical exam was unremarkable with...
  4. bomjardim

    Sudden weight loss

    We have a small 2.5yr old flock of 3 BO and 3 Ameraucanas and egg production stopped about 3 weeks ago (oh the shame of having to BUY eggs!). One of the Ameraucanas have dropped a lot of weight and keeps trying to sleep in the nest at night but shows no other obvious symptoms. She's eating and...
  5. S

    Help! Chicken losing feather, but not molting and no external parasites

    I have racked my brain on what's going on with my 2 year old araucana (pictures included). About a month ago she started losing feathers (and I noticed many of her remaining feathers were brittle) but was still laying normally, running around with the other chickens, and eating and drinking...
  6. Kimmyh51

    A thin duck, no obvious reason for weight loss

    The other day I caught one of my ducks breaking into the vegetable garden and realised when I picked her up that she was extremely thin. As in her keel was like a knife and every other bone was clearly defined, no fat on her at all." She is fed a balanced diet consisting of pelleted feed...
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