weight tracking

  1. Crazy chickn lady

    Silver laced and Gold Laced Wyandotte hens - bantams or not?

    We bought a silver lace wyandotte pullet ( she was approximately 8-10 weeks, the breeder told us she was 10 weeks but shexxxxxxq looked younger and her plummage was still developing). So when she was between 8-10 weeks she weighed 1.2 kg. A month late at approx 12-14 weeks, she weighed 1.4kg...
  2. burberry

    Cornish Meat Line

    I’m starting a project line of Dark Cornish specifically for meat and would love to share the ride with y’all! Current goals are to push for early fleshing at 12 weeks first and foremost and also work towards correct type and color. I have been tossing around the idea of using some cornish cross...
  3. D

    Dandichook's Quail Growth Tracking thread

    I decided to start this thread since it's of interest to me and I thought my obsessive data-tracking might be useful to someone else in the future. This is mostly a sort of diary recording chick growth rates and dress out data. Background first, then data in post 2: We got our first batch of...
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