what chicken is this

  1. L

    Is this actually a Sapphire Gem?

    Last Spring, I bought two Sapphire Gems, one was the traditional Grey/Blue and then one was darker, like charcoal. I attached pictures of both for reference. Is the darker chicken a Sapphire Gem too? If so why is she darker? If not, what could she possibly be? Thanks so much!!
  2. F

    Yolk sac or umbilical hernia? Something dangling from chick

    Hi I’ve hatched my first silky or Ayam cemani I’m not sure yet. But I found it chirping in the incubator. So when I moved it to the brother I noticed it had something dangling from his backside. I tried to read up on what this is and I don’t know if it’s a herniated umbilical cord or and an...
  3. fivechicks715

    Two chicks found abandoned in the woods

    Please help me determine what possible breeds they could be. Then were found off a walking trail in the woods about to be lunch for a hawk. I am quarantining them from my flock for 4 weeks maybe more before introducing them. Thoughts on possible breeds? I believe them to be close to 2 weeks old...
  4. TundraFang

    TSC doesn't label chicks correctly

    So I bought a bunch of chickens from TSC and I began researching the breeds only to find that pictures online look nothing like what I bought. Can anyone help me identify these breeds? Comb Type: Pea Color: Black and white (Feathers coming in black) Leg Color: Black with pink feet...
  5. MarioBranwell

    Can someone help me figure the breed

    Okay so after my chickens death I got a new batch of chickens and they are almost 3 weeks old. They are kind of brown and white mix, But i do not know the breed of it. Can someone please help finding the breed, sex, whether it is crossed or not etc? I have attached the pictures.
  6. gotenkslovesme

    What are these?

    These two chicken are a mystery to me so figured I'd ask here for a quick reply. Just the lavender's in front
  7. WillGriffin03

    Need help identifying this chicken

    I don't know what they are, are they legbars?
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