I have a Rouen duckling that was given to me, they are 2 weeks old. Over the past few days they have started to make this short high pitched whistle. Sometimes they’ll do two whistles in a row but it’s mostly just once.
Does the whistling mean they’re a male? Or do both male and female Rouens...
I am looking for some help with my buff orph that is about 6 months old. As of this morning when she came out of the coop she had a whistling breath and was sneezing. She also has a runny nose. I've given electrolytes in the water and then was told oregano would work better. So currently...
Hi everybody,
Long time lurker first time poster; you guys have helped me out a lot with questions I had in the past but I couldn't find anything quite like this. I have a gander who looks like he has something stuck in his throat (a feather maybe?). Usually I'd just let him deal with it but he...