So I went out of town and while I was away, a chicken showed up and lived independently for a few days, perching 5 feet up in the trees every night even though it's below freezing. When I came back I started moving her from her perch and putting her in the coop with the other chickens to sleep...
We are a one chicken family. Our Dominique's name is Henny Penny. She blew in with a recent hurricane and decided to stay.
We knew 0 about chickens and tried to find out where she belonged to no avail. We tried to give her away but could not catch her. She lives in our very dense hedges and is...
Hi, this is my first real flock (we have some older production layers here, but they aren’t mine) and I decided to try out several different breeds. The Chickens are about 8 weeks, fully feathered, and about to go outside. I’ve been trying to handle them so they aren’t too wild once they are...
About 2 months ago, I was walking along the edge of the woods on my property and I spooked off what I thought was a lone wild turkey. I heard flapping and frantic clucking which I've heard before when I walk up on them roosting before dusk. I've seen dozens of wild turkeys around here and didn't...