
  1. A

    Olive egger hasn’t laid and Pale comb

    Hey so it’s our first winter with our 3 beautiful ladies.(olive egger,Easter egger, and a cream legbar) The olive egger aka Olivia hasn’t laid this winter, and now that I’m looking at her her comb is pale. She’s been eating and her treats as well, but hasn’t been laying or just been down a bit ...
  2. Delphene

    Keeping chickens warm in Winter?

    We have three days coming up that are below freezing and after that still near thirties, our Hens don't have frost bite but are puffing up huddled at the corner of the coop, our Roo has white bits on the top of his comb and a small black spot next to them. We put coconut oil on the comb and feet...
  3. Stonernextdoor88

    How cold can I introduce a chicken too?

    So I have a small flock and one of my girls got pecked bad today so I've had to bring her in the house where she will stay in a oversized dog crate on in my kitchen and be absolutely spoiled until she's in better health. Here's the problem, it's winter. Once she's healed up she has to go back...
  4. D

    Insulating for the cold with a coop made for the heat!

    Hi y'all! This is my first winter with my flock so I apologize if this is a silly question. I have 9 bantam chickens, and I had thought I had insulated my coop well. However, they're still shivering! I'm in western North Carolina, and I have two silkies that aren't phenomenally cold-hardy, as...
  5. D

    Random Quail Deaths. Advice Please

    Hi all - Need advice 😞 I've lost a hen a week for 4 weeks now! I've quail: half are 9mths old, half are 5 mths old. Mix of ages are dying. >I've 22 birds, 5 Roos. > I'm in Canada where's it's not even cold yet. Ranging -5C/12C so far and expect to hit and avg of -5C/-20C in the new year. >This...
  6. AkHenMama

    Ventilation Question for a 1st Winter

    We have 13 chickens and our chicken coop is a single pitch 4'x8'x6-4'. We have ventilation along the front and back of the coop at the top that is 3.5". So total ventilation is 3.5"x16' (minus however many inches of stud). Each section is common centered stud distance apart, apx 15.75". The red...
  7. Q

    Duck left behind this winter in southwest Missouri

    Hello all! There is a beautiful medium sized duck that has been left behind by his usual brown and green flock. I’ve lived here for years, I always joke wondering if he/she knows they look different from all the other ducks they hang with — they always leave&come back to the pond but this year...
  8. S

    Ice on goose chest

    Winter is finally here and it's my first time with geese. They still have a pool that we crack the ice of every day and go swimming, but tonight while putting them in I noticed that my ganders' chests and stomach were iced down. Should I remove it and remove access to the pool? He didn't seem...
  9. B

    Is it okay to move 6.5-7 week old chicks to coop in current temperatures?

    I am new to raising/owning chickens and I have seven 6.5 week old chicks (3 Americanas, 2 Wyandottes, and 2 Starlight Green Eggers). I have had them inside my garage since I brought them home (they were approximately 1 week old). I allowed them heat up until about 1.5 weeks ago. The garage stays...
  10. A

    Chicken's Feathers Won't Grow Back

    Hi everyone! I have a Golden Sex Link who lost feathers on her head and neck at the end of last winter. We thought it was maybe her first molt (she was about 1 yr old at the time), but as our other 4 chickens have gone through their first molt this year they've followed a very typical molting...
  11. A

    Winterizing run!

    Hi! We live where we get pretty bad winters and it’s our first year of having chickens and have a question on how to wrap the run for cold temperatures, snow and wind. We’ve started wrapping the run with plastic sheets to help keep it warm and away from the elements, and u have concerns...
  12. B

    At What Temperature Should I Lock My Chickens In Their Coop?

    Hello, I’m from Ohio and its going to be my first winter with my chickens. I was trying to do research on what temperature I’m supposed to lock my hens up, but I keep seeing mixed opinions. I have five hens (one buff orpington, two black australorps, one light brahma, and one rhode island blue)...
  13. B

    Fermented Feed in the Winter

    Hi yall! This is our first winter with our girls and I was wondering how to go about feeding them their food, which is fermented, in the colder months. I realize this isn't a concern for those that can feed their flock at sunrise or after each day, but I leave for work at 3 a.m. every day. This...
  14. CodieC501

    Winterizing for backyard ducks in Arkansas

    Hey, yall. I'm new to backyard birds of any kind and this will be my first winter with them. I want to keep them as safe, healthy, and comfortable as possible without going overboard as I tend to do. Especially considering that we also have a new grandbaby living with us and this will be his...
  15. M

    Winterizing questions for my coop/run

    Hi all. I have 7 hens that are about 24 weeks old located in Portland Maine. Should be cold hearty (buff orp, lav orp, 2 easter eggers, black copper maran, black astralorp, and a plymouth barred rock. This is my first flock, and of course my first winter. I have done plenty of research and I...
  16. C

    Black Soldier Fly Farming in Cold climate

    Wondering if anyone has experience raising Black Soldier Flies in a colder region for chicken feed. I live in the mid-west US. Any tips on making it thrive through winter? I got them through two full life cycles, but as soon as it got cold, it was a real struggle and they eventually died.
  17. TheDaringDucks

    Winter Duck Shelter (Help identifying issues with design/plan?)

    I am working on a plan to repurpose my ducks' stock tank pond to transform it into a winter den and could use some insight from others who may have more experience than me or can think of any foreseeable issues this design may have. To sum up, I was going to line the inside of the stock tank...
  18. B

    Pool in the winter? How to?

    Hi! I'm new to raising ducks, to my understanding, ducks will still need a pond to swim in daily even in the winter. We can get some harsh winters and our irrigation is turned off during the winter. My ducks currently have a large kiddie pool to swim in that i fill up daily. It's not a...
  19. LouderLizzy

    Muscovy Newbie! Northern Ontario

    I have 6 Muscovy ducklings aged 3m and 2.5 m. 3 drakes, 3 hens we believe. And am looking for more tips and tricks on keeping them happy and healthy. - is there anywhere I can order feed online to my door? As closest supply is 1.5hr away. - how can I ensure a safe cold winter for them in...
  20. crunchygranola

    Heating a metal shed?

    I’m looking into which type of shed (I can’t find a traditional coop within my price range) to buy for my chickens, and so far, metal is looking like a good option for me and where I live. Though, I have a plan for cooling it down in the summer, but I imagine with it being metal that it doesn’t...
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