worm poop

  1. Y

    What is this in my chickens poop?! Sick pullet

    4.5 month old pullet has been acting lethargic and sickly for a few weeks now. Yesterday and today she's worse and acting severely lethargic. Drinking water but barely eating. Green poop. Then I saw this in her poop. What is that?! Those 3 pieces are sort of rubbery. Like either pieces of a...
  2. M

    We lost one

    We lost one chicken last night. We just gathered samples from others and are taking them to the vet. But I’m posting a picture to see if someone can tell me why her poo is clear and if thats a worm or what type of worm? And what is a cost effective way to worm a 60 chickens? We did goat...
  3. denisamoga2

    Unknown possible worm in poop

    I found two unfamiliar things in one of my chicks poop.Is it something it ate or worms? (I cut the larger one in two but i can’t figure out what it is)
  4. WendyLee17

    KY lakes area : Will take in Rescues

    Hey y'all!! I'm in a bit of odd situation -for me at least - and I currently am home caring for a sick and injured husband and am currently unemployed. We have a small flock of both chicken and ducks. If u are near here and have animals needing homes, chicken or female ducks mostly, I wld b...
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