“Broody hen”?


Feb 10, 2025
Hi all,
Ok, my chicken was fine before we went away for a week where we left the girls in the run (food/water and collection of eggs daily). Upon return, egg laying had ceased and one chook has been “broody” sitting on the nest, not eating/drinking much, fluffs up neck feathers, makes “pigeon” noises, constantly wipes her beak and scratches her head (ears?). I’ve checked her for mites - nothing, for blocked ears/nose - nothing. It has been 5 weeks now. I’ve tried the bath - nope! Tried keeping her out of the coop - nope! Any suggestions?
Five weeks is a bit long to be broody, and I presume she's not molting, or you'd have mentioned feather loss.

How old is she and has she ever gone broody before?

We deal with broodies all the time, having silkies, and we put them in a XL metal wire pet kennel/cage that's up on bricks so it gets air underneath of it. We put a 2x4 in there to roost on so they aren't standing on the wires, then tie a feed dish and waterer to the corners so they don't knock them over. About 4 days and done.

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