1-3 eggs a day


In the Brooder
Mar 16, 2024
Is it normal for a chicken to lay 1-3 eggs a day? Lavender only started laying abt 2 months ago, and now she’s laying up to three eggs a day. I don’t know if something is wrong or if it’s a mutation or something, but anyone know what’s going on?
Is it normal for a chicken to lay 1-3 eggs a day? Lavender only started laying abt 2 months ago, and now she’s laying up to three eggs a day. I don’t know if something is wrong or if it’s a mutation or something, but anyone know what’s going on?
Do you have any other chickens?
Or any people that might be putting eggs in the nestbox as a prank?

It is normal for a hen to lay one egg per day, and to sometimes take a day off. It is not normal for a hen to lay multiple eggs in one day, especially not on a regular basis.
I am having the same issue. 2 Wyandotte. 2 Reds. 2 smaller. I'm not sure what breed.
I get eggs every morning and afternoon. Today, I have 8 eggs from 6 chickens. They have been laying a few months. It has happened before, but I thought I had miss counted. I changed up and put the days eggs in a separate carton.
I have a gal who's laid 2 eggs/day twice in the past week -- the first is hard-shelled, the second is soft-shelled. She's a cross between RIR and Sussex, and I've attributed it to her being part production hen with a wacked up reproductive system. Keeping an eye on her, but she's otherwise healthy and happy.
I've just experienced the same thing....I have 7 pullets, 2 EE among other breeds. Most started laying about a month ago. One, my sapphire gem, just started this week. This morning I went out and collected 6 eggs, only 1 blue/green....figured the other EE took the day off. After a couple of hours I walked by the coop and decided to see if the EE had layed...imagine my surprise when I found 2 more eggs... neither one blue/green! In the picture of 8 eggs (which shows the morning's harvest), of the top 4 eggs of the same color, the bottom left corner one is LARGE and fairly oddly shaped. All of them have a rough surface, same color. The upper right corner one has a very thin shell. One of them was layed on the floor of the coop (there are 3 nesting boxes). The same chicken couldn't possibly have layed 4 eggs! They all seem to be behaving, eating, etc. normally. What's going on?---and NO, I don't have a neighbor playing a trick!
Thanks for any suggestions.....(the 18 count picture is what's
shown up over the last 4 days, just for comparison)


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I've just experienced the same thing....I have 7 pullets, 2 EE among other breeds. Most started laying about a month ago. One, my sapphire gem, just started this week. This morning I went out and collected 6 eggs, only 1 blue/green....figured the other EE took the day off. After a couple of hours I walked by the coop and decided to see if the EE had layed...imagine my surprise when I found 2 more eggs... neither one blue/green! In the picture of 8 eggs (which shows the morning's harvest), of the top 4 eggs of the same color, the bottom left corner one is LARGE and fairly oddly shaped. All of them have a rough surface, same color. The upper right corner one has a very thin shell. One of them was layed on the floor of the coop (there are 3 nesting boxes). The same chicken couldn't possibly have layed 4 eggs! They all seem to be behaving, eating, etc. normally. What's going on?---and NO, I don't have a neighbor playing a trick!
Thanks for any suggestions.....(the 18 count picture is what's
shown up over the last 4 days, just for comparison)
This is a continuation of the above...this pic shows today's eggs...clearly one of the EE, which have been laying since Aug 20, daily, beautiful little pullet eggs at first, growing steadily and now this, which is also very thin shelled....should I be concerned?


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