1 week old Ayam Cemani with Bloat HELP!


8 Years
Jan 25, 2017
Two days ago we brought in 9 Ayam Cemani. 6- 1week olds and 3- that Just hatched from a local breeder.( They are in Quarantine) When we got home we noticed some of the 1 week olds had droopy wings. I given them Probiotics, Electrolytes and Vitamins. As I do all Newcomers. They seemed to all perk up and were eating and drinking that I noticed. Yesterday a few with the droopy wings didnt want to leave from under the heat source. Fast forward today One of the 1week olds with droopy wings died when I picked him up he felt heavier and bloated towards the back end. After rechecking all the others, another even feels heavier then yesterday with Bloated and is gasping for air. His crop feels full aswell. I'd be surprised if he makes it. If he doesnt we plan to cut open and look internally. He sounds cracky like he has a respiratory infection.Which made me think he has Brooder Pneumonia. The younger chicks seem to have no problems that I have detected.Does anyone have ideas of what this could be or how to treat? TIA
Sorry for your loss. Did any of the chicks have any pasty butt or soiled vents? Do any look to have an enlarged or bluish belly around the navel (umbilicus?) That is under the vent. Have you contacted the breeder to ask any questions or if they are having problems. It could have been a bad hatch, umbilical infection (mushy chick disease/omphalitis, or weak chicks. How warm is your brooder under the heat source? Are they inside or outside in a coop? Are you in the US where you can ask your state vet to do a necropsy on a couple of the chicks? Here is a list of state vet labs to contact near you:
Sorry for your loss. Did any of the chicks have any pasty butt or soiled vents? Do any look to have an enlarged or bluish belly around the navel (umbilicus?) That is under the vent. Have you contacted the breeder to ask any questions or if they are having problems. It could have been a bad hatch, umbilical infection (mushy chick disease/omphalitis, or weak chicks. How warm is your brooder under the heat source? Are they inside or outside in a coop? Are you in the US where you can ask your state vet to do a necropsy on a couple of the chicks? Here is a list of state vet labs to contact near you:
None have soiled or pasty butt. Its enlarged near the navel, guess thats what I assume is the bloating. I can't tell if its bluish due to the chick having fibro gene, its skin is black. I have them inside the room thier in is 80°F ambient temp. I have 2 diffrent brooder plates at 2 diffrent levels. Using a Infrared thermometer. The surface levels under one is reading 95°F the other 89°

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