1 week old chick- Constipated and Prolapsed?


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2023
Hi. I am new to chicken keeping. Not even a year yet since my first batch of chicks. I just got my second batch of chicks. They are one week old. One little girl was the tiniest of the bunch when they all arrived, and has struggled since the beginning. She has a sweetest personality, and I am trying so hard to help her get strong. The first day she struggled to eat and drink, and I didn’t think she would make it. We managed to get over that. She constantly surprises me. She arrived with a little bit of pasty butt. I gently cleaned it, and I’ve tried to keep on top of this issue. But as time goes on, it seems like she has an issue with her cloaca. at first it seemed protruding. Now it seems like it’s a little prolapsed, I think. It’s hard for me to tell what I’m looking at, without experience. One time as I was cleaning it, she expelled a lot of poop. So I think she was backed up. Since then, she had a period where she was pooping fine, eating and drinking. Today this morning, she was struggling to poop, but still pooping. She keeps trying to pick at her butt, so I know it’s bothering her. I went out and got preparation H, and and applied that. I also tried giving her some coconut oil to alleviate any constipation. But this afternoon I see her struggling to poop, and nothing is coming out. Her cloaca almost closed up to me. I also tried putting some coconut oil on it. Trying to keep it moist and clean, but it obviously bothers her when I’m messing with it. I will also share a picture. (The coconut oil and ointment made her extra messy)
She just ate a little something. Isn’t drinking much on her own. I’m trying the dropper with electrolytes. And some egg yolk with electrolytes in a tiny bit of olive oil. She really doesn’t want any of it. Thank you to anyone has any insight into this issue.

I’m new too just so you know. But my chick had that and I soaked her bottom in warm water while gently rubbing with a cotton swab, rub the area and the abdomen. I did this 3-4 times a day for 4 days, then once a day for a few days. Finally she was pooping enough for it to go away. She also had probiotics in the water. And I rubbed coconut oil on it like you are. Hope she’s ok.
I’m new too just so you know. But my chick had that and I soaked her bottom in warm water while gently rubbing with a cotton swab, rub the area and the abdomen. I did this 3-4 times a day for 4 days, then once a day for a few days. Finally she was pooping enough for it to go away. She also had probiotics in the water. And I rubbed coconut oil on it like you are. Hope she’s ok.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. She’s the sweetest thing, and I hate to see her struggling. I hope she pulls thru too. Thanks again!

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