1 yr old hen is in a bad molt


Apr 16, 2023
She turned one year old this week. I never had one molt this bad. This is the worse one I have ever seen. Bottom is all naked, neck is naked....felt pins all over her. She is miserable and walking really slow. I am going to isolate her tomorrow since we will be in 1 degree temps with windy weather. She will have heat and be isolated in the coop (we have sick bay) so we will put her in there during the day so the rooster do not bother her. Flock will see her and she will see the flock if they come in the coop.
I know they go through mini molt but this is like the regular molt at 16-18 month mark. This is like the adult molt. Neck and bottom have pins.

Anybody dealt with a hen like this at 1 year old?
I am going to isolate her tomorrow since we will be in 1 degree temps with windy weather.
I would not isolate her or put heat on her. Just give her a very thick dry bedding to hunker down in completely protected from all drafts.

Isolating her this way from the flock, even when in full view of them can cause her more stress.
She will have heat and be isolated in the coop
Putting heat on her will slow down the refeather. If she is protected from drafts she should be fine. You could even give her a huddle box.
so the rooster do not bother her
Is he? A normal rooster will not mate molting hens as he knows they are not laying eggs.
Anybody dealt with a hen like this at 1 year old?
Yes. She walked funny and was equally miserable to what you describe. She came through with gorgeous new plummage.

I supported her by feeding her some tuna or sardines every other day or so in a warm mash so should could get a good quality protein boost to help with feather growth.
I haven't seen a molt that bad myself. But they do tend to slow down and get cranky when they're molting. Along with what Dobie Lover said try to get some extra protein in her.
Really, I thought a predator had gotten in the coop, there were feathers everywhere, like a pillow had exploded, and I think Mrs White had 3 feather left on her body. But really the new feathers grew back ASAP. Molting looks like dying, but it is totally natural.

Do be aware, if being in a smaller strange place upsets her, I would let her out. She doesn't need any more stress.

Mrs K
Really, I thought a predator had gotten in the coop, there were feathers everywhere, like a pillow had exploded, and I think Mrs White had 3 feather left on her body. But really the new feathers grew back ASAP. Molting looks like dying, but it is totally natural.

Do be aware, if being in a smaller strange place upsets her, I would let her out. She doesn't need any more stress.

Mrs K
My flock has a total of around 3 dozen birds and they tend to molt in clusters. From late september through november it looks like birds were exploding in the coop and run.

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