- Jan 26, 2023
- 57
- 102
- 91
I went to the feed store last week to pick up Black Rock Pullets and they had just sold out...BUT the Owner said there were 3 Barred Rocks in the "Assorted Pullet" Brooder. And indeed there were 3 chicks in the "Assorted Pullet" cage that appeared to be Barred Rocks. So I brought them home. (Along with 3 Brown Leghorn Pullets, cutest chicks ever). They are at ~10-11 days of age and one is not looking like the others? I am thinking #3 is looking roo like? #3 still has the dark wash down the front of the legs, but more outgoing and wings are much more visible barred, head spot is much bigger and diffuse (including the back of the neck). And tail feathers not developing as fast. Did I get a roo out of the Pullet cage? Top and side pic of each chick #s 1-3. Any BR expert sexers out there that can help me out?