Chicken Breed Focus - Kraienköppe


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011
The Kraienköppe breed was created on the border between Germany and The Netherlands and are thought to have been created from crosses between Malays, Leghorns and local farmyard fowl in the early part of the 19th century. They are even-tempered, usually friendly birds, very active foragers that thrive if kept in an free range environment and the hens are excellent and frequent broodies, as well as good egg layers. Classified as a rare breed nowadays, the breed is not yet accepted by the APA, but is popular as show breed in Europe, having been first shown in the Netherlands in 1920, and in Germany in 1925.


Purpose: Egg laying; Exhibition
Weight: Male - 6 lbs; Female - 4 lbs
Origin: Germany-Holland border region

Egg Production: ±200 eggs annually
Egg Colour: Off-white
Colours/Varieties: Black breasted red; Silver

Pic by @DTchickens

Pic by @mcrooke45

Pic by @mcrooke45

Pic by @mcrooke45

BYC Breed Reviews:

BYC Breed Discussion:

Do you own Kraienköppe? Are you a Kraienköppe breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:

· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!

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Those bright yellow legs are amazing!

No one here has any of these?
Thank you Abesinger, Wingedshade and Eagrbeavr!
His name is Pharaoh, his colors just reminded me somehow of them :).

Here is his lady, or at least one of them. Pardon her feet, they are among the best foragers in the flock, and the mud hides the color :).
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