13 week splash Ameracauna hen or roo?

Beards in chickens inhibit wattle growth. lt is important to note that several studies have identified that wattles are absent or small when Mb is present (RG, S 1990). Many researchers speculate that the Mb trait is highly associated with the Wattles locus and that there are underlying complex interactions between Mb and Wattles (Source).

Tails are completely ineffective when sexing young chickens. By the time sickle feathers appear, there are many, many more visible secondary sex characteristics that I would lean away from the practice entirely.

That being said, due to pointed saddle feathers, this bird is undoubtedly a cockerel. :)
I said tail, but meant saddle... I'm getting off here. I need coffee. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for the great information. I'm always learning here, and you all are amazing. ♥️

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