14 week Buff Orpington

Cockerel. I have two 15-16 week old BO pullets that basically have no combs. The pullets of that breed are somewhat slow to mature, so that one is more than likely a cockerel.
Okay, we have another lavender orpington, ive thought he was a boy since 2 weeks. He's just not a jerk like this Buff orpington.
I also wouldn't keep him as he's already showing the makings of an absolutely garbage rooster. It's one thing not tidbiting the ladies but another thing entirely to prevent them from eating entirely
So how do I go about getting rid of him?
If he were a decent cockerel I'd say rehome. However, since he's really not shaping up to be a good rooster, I personally would cull him and turn him into soup or something. You can't really teach him to be a gentleman to the ladies. Either he is or he isn't
The other boy I'd keep if you want a rooster or rehome him if you don't as he seems like a good boy so far
What's the best way to get rid of a chicken?
If you have neighbors, friends, family, or someone who is interested thru Facebook or other platforms that would be a good way to get rid of him. I personally bring mine to a livestock auction near me. That guy could sell for a decent amount of money. I sold 6 almost 2 month old birds at the auction that sold for $36. Just depends on what condition the bird is in, the age, health, and how bad someone wants it.
We have 5 chickens,all supposed to be pullets that are now 14 weeks. These guys are free range, only in the coop at night and when rains. Everything was good up until about a month or so ago, our went from being the friendliest in the flock to the meanest. She's a huge bully and it's affecting the others eating. Literally she tells they cant eat and they dont, they all walk away. It's more aggressive than the others and over the last few weeks, her tail starting to look a little different than the others. Since I only have one buff orpington, I can't compare her to another girl. And when looking online picture show me her Waddles just not big enough to be a roo. But up until a few weeks ago I thought it was a girl but I'm now starting to question it.
We're not keeping any boys so if it's a boy, I'd rather get rid of 2 together than separately. Any sexing help?
im having to rehome my BO hen and roo - they are bullies - at first the hen looked like a roo but then the other one took off and grew much larger and started crowing. this pic looks like mu BO hen - My hen and roo are now in their own coop bc they woldnt let anyone else eat or even rest

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