15 week old barred rock mix gender?!?1


7 Years
Jun 21, 2012
Aransas Pass texas
it has already molted and non of it's feathers are pointy BUT I had a full blood barred rock rooster that NEVER got any pointy feather and he was for sure he. He rooster crowed every morning at 6am LOL
So what do you think about this 15 to 16 week old? hen or rooster?

Okay, but if the roo was the barred rock, it's not a sex link, just a part barred rock. Granted, the result is the same, but it's not really sex linked and that can confuse a lot of folks thinking you'll get a sex link hatch from a barred rock roo. If, indeed, that was the case. Waiting for the OP to respond.
no the father was not a barred rock he was a rhode island red. the mother was a barred rock.
Okay, so any birds you hatch from this cross are sex links. All barred birds are boys and all non-barred birds are girls. Easy-peasy way to sex. Barred birds have a white spot on their head when the hatch, non barred birds have solid heads. Your boy will probably develop gold leakage on his hackle feathers and wing bow as he ages--I think they're quite striking.

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