16 week old pullet layed 2 rubber eggs one right after the other.


Sep 10, 2024
Hi, one of my pullets just layed 2 rubber eggs. One right after the other. I witnessed this. She was on her roosting bar and she started pushing and what appeared like egg white came out then a fully formed rubber egg that I caught in my hand and then about 3 minutes later egg white consistency came out and then another rubber egg. I have 3 including her that are laying already. She has only layed rubber eggs for the past 2 weeks. This is the first time I have witnessed it but very morning when I open up the coop there is a rubber egg that has been under where she roosts. They are on a mix of layer feed and and starter feed as I have 5 other pullers that have not started to lay as of yet, and this is what the feed store recommended. They have oyster shell readily available. Not sure what is happening with her, just a little concerned.

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