2 hatched chickens day 20, now day 21 and no more signs of hatching?


Oct 5, 2021
Hello all! I tried reading through some similar posts but of course everybody’s situations are a bit different. I put 12 eggs in the incubator 21 days ago. Yesterday, day 20, 2 eggs hatched. I am not sure if it is important or not to add that neither of them had fully absorbed their yolks and had a bit hanging out the backside.
It is now day 21 and there is no signs of pipping from any of the other five that made it to lockdown. It is 21 days to the hour right now actually. This is my first time hatching chickens so I’m not sure if I should at least see some pipping or if it’s still possible for the other five to hatch?
Thank you all so much in advance!
I candled them on day 18 before lockdown and they all looked good. Humidity was about 55-60 through incubation and kept at 70 starting day 18. I just saw 2 more rolling around so I’m hopeful for those.
Thank you so myc
Give it a couple more days. I usually give my eggs 23 days, maybe 24 if one is still trying. If no pips or zips by then they are discarded
thank you so much. I shouldn’t try and hatch them out myself at some point? I know they say that’s a no no but it would be hard not to help!
I don't help with a full hatching. If one has some shell stuck to it I'll pull it off. But only if it's full out and chirping and walking around. That's just me though. You should do whatever you feel comfortable with. They are your chicks. Chickens aren't pets to me. I don't name them so....

It could take 24hrs to fully hatch. They pip, then rest (usually finish absorbing the yolk at this point), then zip - where they crack the shell around in a circle. Then force itself out. All of this is part of the process and making the chick stronger. I don't interfere with this. I'll do 22-36 at a time and inevitably a few don't make it.

But you may get some replies from folks that don't have a problem stepping in and helping. Wait for those and see what they suggest.

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