2 Lavendar Americaucanas- boy & girl? Help!


Apr 8, 2024
North Idaho, ID
Help a girl out, please!
I ordered these two beautiful Lavender Americuanas from Cackle Hatchery in April. They are approx 14 weeks old.
One has tail feathers and the other doesn't.
Do I have 1 boy and one girl?? I marked them on these pics.
# 1 - has longer tail feathers but smaller comb.
# 2 - has smaller tail feathers and reader slightly bigger comb.


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The tail feathers look like that because of genetics, not sex. Due t genetics they just grow differently. Most boys eventually have curved tail feathers where most girls have straight but there are exceptions to that. Curved tail feathers are a sign it might be a boy but is not a guarantee. I do not see curved tail feathers.

Some are harder to sex than others. Thick feathers, strange growths on the head, and smaller comb types can be challenging. At least yours do not have feathers covering their legs. Their face feathers make it hard to see the small Pea Combs and I can't see any wattles. By 14 weeks the combs should be bright red (so should the wattles), those are still pale. Their legs are pretty thin, a sign it could be a pullet. I'm pretty sure you have two girls.

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