2 of my chicks have clear slimy bubbly liquid in mouth and nose! ( they died within an hour )


In the Brooder
Jun 19, 2024
I was checking on my chicks and found 2 out of 4 of them dead in their little area. when I was trying to figure out what caused their deaths thinking it might have been to hot I find clear slimy bubbly liquid in their mouths and its flowing out of one but the other had it in the back of their throat and it was all Clear and bubbly. The only thing is they were both fine an hour ago when I checked them, they were running around their little area and playing with the others like normal. But now I'm worried about what killed them because I know it wasn't because of the heat. Does anyone know what it is or what can cause this in chicks?! ( both of the ones that died were Rhode island reds and all the chicks are 2 weeks and 4 days old )
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I edited my post as you were responding since I saw the age listed in the title.
they are outside right now but im bringing them in rn. their heat source is a heat lamp when they are inside but outside we turn off the lamp and let the sun warm them. their feed right now is dumor chick grit mixed into Purina flock raiser crumbles
Grit should be offered on the side not mixed in.
With chick starter/flock raiser they don't need grit yet. They only need it when they start eating things other than starter/raiser.

I don't think that caused the deaths but I could be wrong.

Have they had access to the soil or grasses yet?
If so and if it's been wet in your area there could be fungus or molds in the grass.
they are outside right now but im bringing them in rn. their heat source is a heat lamp when they are inside but outside we turn off the lamp and let the sun warm them. their feed right now is dumor chick grit mixed into Purina flock raiser crumbles
Never mix grit in feed, too much unneeded grit can impact their gizzard.

Grit is to be in a separate feeder so they can get what they need, when they need it.

If they're just eating their crumbles, they don't need grit.
Grit should be offered on the side not mixed in.
With chick starter/flock raiser they don't need grit yet. They only need it when they start eating things other than starter/raiser.

I don't think that caused the deaths but I could be wrong.

Have they had access to the soil or grasses yet?
If so and if it's been wet in your area there could be fungus or molds in the grass.
They havent had access because we keep them in their brooder we have given them crumbled up mealworms that we give our chickens but not alot and rarely.

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