2 Week Old Chick, only one showing symptoms


5 Years
Mar 10, 2019
1) 2 week old chick, black australorp from TSC
2) gasping for air, chirping, shaking. not able to walk, balance seems off.
3) about 48 hours progressively getting worse
4) housed (previously) with 9 other chicks none of which show signs of this or anything like it. we have since separated this one.
5) no
6) n/a
7) I attempted to give her egg tonight. has been on water with AVC, electrolytes, and vitamins. also had nutri drench?
8) very runny
9) isolation and water as said above
10 ) i would like to treat myself
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
12) was on large shavings in a brooder cleaned VERY regularly.

*pic from when i started noticing symptoms and pulled her, now all she does is gasp for air and scream!*


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chick is doing significantly better this morning. eating and drinking on its own. still seems off balance, but is no longer screaming or gasping for air.
any tips on how to continue caring for this lil weakling greatly appreciated. continuing to do vitamins and electrolytes in water.

*i will be adding shavings back once the chick is more stable. it barely moves off the washcloth still*


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