24+ Cream Legbar Hatching Eggs $100 Shipped


Chicken Czar
13 Years
Dec 22, 2011
Cypress, TX
My Coop
My Coop
Blue Egg -96 x 270(1).jpg

I have been working with Legbars since 2011. I am in Oklahoma. You can see more on my flock on my profile page on localHen.com
Hi there, :frow

Pretty birds. :love

I checked out that fairly long profile, but didn't see it state if you are NPIP certified. Sorry if I missed it. :pop

24 is a whole lot of eggs! And a good value... :thumbsup

Yes, we are NPIP. It is super easy to do. Most states it just requires a 2 minute call to the state administrator of the NPIP plan and they will arrange for a tester to come to your flock to test for T/P. If you have a big flock and they do a 100% test it could take a while but if they only have to test 10-15 birds they could be done in 10 minutes.
We start shipping eggs in March and ship until early June. After that, we start to break up breeding groups to open up pen space for grow-out groups. It also starts to get too hot for peak fertility. We have just one pen that we are getting Legbar hatching eggs from right now. We are only getting 2-3 eggs a day so we would only be able to ship about a dozen eggs at a time right now. We hit 102 deg F today. fertility could be up to 15% lower than it is in the spring and shipping eggs in this heat could affect hatchability another 15% on top of that. You can get on our waitlist to get eggs in the spring or, f you don't want to wait, we could get you a discounted off-season price to offset a lower expected hatch rate. Send me a private message to discuss if you want to get eggs.

P.S. I see you are in Smithville. I am guessing you are hitting daytime highs well over 100 deg F right now too.
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Today was the first day in weeks that it hasn't been over 100. If you think you could put together in order for sometime next week let me know. You can send me a direct message that would probably be easier for pricing and such
We don't have any males with the hens right now. We are conditioning the Legbars for the 103rd OSFP (Oklahoma State Federation of Poultry) APA show where they will be shown on December 14th. We will be setting up our 2020 breeding groups early in January and after doing test hatches in February will offer hatching egg from March to June. We have 2 people on the waitlist right now. If you want to be added to the list send us a PM and we will get information and get back to you after test hatches in February.

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