24 what and no sign of pol...

Aug 7, 2020
My seabright/d'uccle mix is 24 weeks, and still not laying, she hasn't pinked up in the crest with her adult female comb in. I'm aware that they're not a huge egg laying breed , but her mom was at pol at 18 weeks and I find it a bit odd. Should I be concerned?? She's healthy. Her brother is in full comb/wattle and has been for several weeks. 🤔
Every individual matures at their own speed, so she might just be on the slower side.
I'm thinking so. She's pinked up slightly. Her dad was the last to crow out of his brood and her mom was first to lay. I think they picked it up from their parents. My bbr oegb roo is very fond of her and despite what I've heard, been a perfect gentleman. I'd post a picture but she's extremely hard to catch. She flies incredibly well for a chicken.
For anyone still following this thread she laid her first egg this morning. 🥳

26 weeks old. She was a late bloomer after all!!
My daughter was impatient and I was about to score 3 laying age hens who weren't paying rent. She'd had enough, she was bringing them to me that weekend.

They started laying that Friday morning. They were 30 weeks.
My daughter was impatient and I was about to score 3 laying age hens who weren't paying rent. She'd had enough, she was bringing them to me that weekend.

They started laying that Friday morning. They were 30 weeks.
It was a hard scratcher for me because her mother started at 18 weeks. She's crossed with mlle fleur d'uccle and they also started in around 18 weeks. Her brooder mates came through upper respiratory virus and pulled through so I'm assuming it possibly had something to do with that... but her brother was crowing at six weeks. They're so confusing sometimes!!

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