26 week old pullet lethargy


Free Ranging
14 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Sullivan, IL
I posted about her on Sunday but the post title was specifically about calcium and whether it was safe to give non laying birds.

26 week old legbar pullet, not 100% sure of she's laying yet but suspect she laid her first egg Saturday (I think my last post said Friday but o checked my notes and it was definitely Saturday 10/26).

Sunday morning (10/27) husband noticed she was standing hunched, tail down, in the run. When he checked a while later it didn't look like she had moved from that spot.
When I went out in the afternoon she was still hunched and moving slowly. I also noticed she was shaking, especially after handling. Belly is hanging low but feels soft (not hard like she's full of fluid). I have not seen any abnormal droppings, but she does have some urates stuck to her butt feathers. I gave her 1/4 325mg aspirin and posted my question about calcium. About roost time, after receiving reassurance that the calcium wouldn't hurt her of she wasn't laying yet, I gave her 600mg calcium with vitamin D.

Monday (10/28) she was still clearly not feeling well, so I gave her another dose of aspirin in the morning. She was the last one off the roost, still hunched, still moving slowly. She was very enthusiastic about the treat I had the aspirin in and the warm soaked pellets offered. By afternoon her tail was in a more normal position, though still held lower than usual. She came to me looking for treats. Appetite still fair. That evening I gave her another dose of calcium but held off on the aspirin because she seemed a little better.

This morning there hasn't been any change. I didn't give aspirin before I left for work and in really wishing I had. She's nowhere near as painful as Sunday but still clearly doesn't feel good. She did eat when I brought out warm soaked pellets, but I'd say her appetite is poor today. The other thing that concerns me is that her comb is a little purplish.

Does this sound like eggbinding? Or something else? Should I give calcium again tonight? Is there anything else I could be doing for her? If it is egg binding how likely is it to recur?
try soaking her in a warm bath with a lot of Epsom salt mixed in. (be sure her vent is in the water) I had a hen a while back that was egg bound but it was my first time dealing with the problem and I didn't know what was wrong until it was too late

She ended up perking up because she seemed to no longer be in pain but that was because the egg she wasn't able to lay broke inside her and she died about a week later :(
We had a blue egg in the nest box today. But now my other supposed blue layer is squatting for me so I'm not really sure who's egg it is:barnie

If she was egg bound and has laid how long should I expect it to take before she feels better?
We had a blue egg in the nest box today. But now my other supposed blue layer is squatting for me so I'm not really sure who's egg it is:barnie

If she was egg bound and has laid how long should I expect it to take before she feels better?
Normally they will perk up as soon as they lay the egg. A friend of mine had a hen who was egg bound so she gave her a soak and she laid a really big egg, then a few minutes later laid a second, "jelly shelled" egg. so maybe she has another egg that needs to be laid

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