-28 and sunshine

Mrs. K

Crossing the Road
15 Years
Nov 12, 2009
western South Dakota
I know a lot of you worry about cold. Last night was predicted -26, and just before dawn we were -28. Last night I did shut the pop up door. So this morning, now a balmy -14, so cold my iPhone won't take pictures. I was wondering about the coop conditions when I opened up the human door.

It was dry in there!! No frost or moisture condensation on the walls or roof. That is good ventilation with out drafts. Some birds were on the roost, some on the ground, all bright eyed and interested in the world around them. I opened the pop up door, and out they went into the sunshine. I stood awhile in the sun, watching them. They look like flamingos - standing on one leg, while the other leg warms up. But they drank the water, ate the feed, ran around to another feed station, just in case I put better feed there.

I do have wind protection - large box structures open to the south and south west. I lean shower doors in front of one, and some left over covid protection, (acrylic?) against the other. With sunshine - it is warmer under them, but they are not air tight - open on each side.

A lot of you worry about temperature swings - it is predicted to be 60 degrees by Saturday! That is nearly a 90 degree swing, and we (me and the birds will be fine!) That is winter in western South Dakota.

Now, when it does get that warm, that will release a LOT of moisture, thank God I am nearly over the influenza A, as when everything thaws out - I will need to muck out the coop, and put new dry bedding in there. I will add new bedding to the run too.

Hopefully the arctic air will go back where it came from, and with that and sunshine, we should be getting a lot more eggs in March!

Mrs K

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