3 day old chick - attacked by mum and thrown out of nest! HELP!


Dec 12, 2024
Chick was first one to hatch found it cold and thrown out of nest. Has been pecked at, has wounds either side of its head around ears.

Found the chick, thought it was dead but it wasn't. Immediately put it in incubator as I didn't have another heat plate and already hatched 7 chicks which are now 2 weeks old. It was incredibly weak and was just sitting on its legs, couldnt really stand, was just moving around a tiny bit in a squat position i suppose. Gave some sugar water and has perked up, can walk around much but definitely not active. Is in a brooder box now with heat plate and little blanky and soft toy. Sleeps pretty much all day. Occasionally moves around and chirps for a bit but not long. I Have been cleaning wounds twice daily and putting antibiotic ointment on, look as if they are healing although chick hasn't pooped at all. And not eating or drinking. I know they can live off the yolk for 72 hrs but we are at that now and not interested in food or water at all. I have been trying to syringe feed sugar water, watered down food etc and not even opening its mouth or anything. I don't wanna open its beak to do so because it's wounds just look so painful. It can't really open its right eye, but I'm not sure it can see at all to be honest, and I think it's deaf aswell as it doesn't move at all when I tap on brooder box etc

What do I do?!!! This little chick is trying to live so I'll try as long as it does.


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Oh the poor thing! I have had chicks and eggs dropped out of nests before, but nothing this bad!

I'd do what you're doing insofar as the antibiotic ointment on its wounds and eye.

I would put some (Nutra Drench or Poultry Cell) in a syringe and drip a drop on his right side of his beak. The put some of that in it's water. You could try wetting the crumbles too, but I find day old chicks rather just scratch around dry stuff for a few days and won't go for it that soon.

Do you have a thermometer to be sure he's at 90-95F?

You could try rinsing his eye with saline solution to see if there's dirt or something in there. The deafness could be from the ointment you're putting on his wounds. Terramycin is an antibiotic for the eyes, but what you have, as long as it is the kind without painkiller in it should work too.
I'm so sorry. Sounds like you are trying the right things. I wouldn't open the beak to force food or water but keep putting water on the side crease of the beak. Maybe even some raw egg yolk this way? I'd try playing chick and hen sounds as you do this, even if it is deaf it is worth a try unless you are sure. Just the idea of not being alone may bring it a little energy or comfort.

If it is too unwell to want to eat or drink, even with help, the best you can probably do is keep it comfortable much as you are. Bless you for trying.

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