My 3 week old chicks live outside in a prefab coop and run inside our very large run with our entire flock. Next week we are expecting record heat with the index hitting 116 degrees F. I know the tricks for my older girls and they did well last summer when the index hit 113 but im not sure if my tactics are safe for younger birds. For my older ones I have hanging water containers on the sides of the run where I keep very cold ice water. They seem to really love dipping their waddles in there for a cool drink. I also give them frozen watermelon and frozen blueberries in a shallow kiddie pool. Neither of these things seem ok for younger birds. Should I put ice cubes in their nipple waterer or is cold water a no no at this age? Are there other things I can do to help them? They are obviously not fully feathered and I worry about their ability to regulate the heat.